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Zenvus Boundary Franchise Opportunity Opens

Zenvus Boundary Franchise Opportunity Opens

Today, we are opening our franchising opportunity across Africa for people and entities to use Zenvus Boundary to serve their farming communities. We have piloted the administration of this service and the outcome is superb. So, we are scaling the service to the whole African farming market.

Beginning immediately till January 17 2018 [extended to give people time after the long holiday], we are looking for proposals from makers, entrepreneurs and entities that want to build on top of Zenvus Boundary (not Zenvus sensor; that one is coming later). Essentially, you will work with governments, cooperatives, micro-finances, banking institutions, farmers etc and use our technology to map farmers’ boundaries [you decide your market; we want to see from your proposal]. We have reduced the cost of mapping by a factor of 50 through technology.

Zenvus is an intelligent solution for farms that uses proprietary electronics sensors to collect soil data like moisture, nutrients, pH etc and send them to a cloud server via GSM, satellite or Wifi. Algorithms in the server analyze the data and advice farmers on farming. As the crops grow, the system deploys special cameras to build vegetative health for drought stress, pest and diseases. Our system has the capability to tell a farm what, how, and when to farm. It has in-built GPS, compass and accelerometer making it possible for a farmer to map the boundaries of his/her farm which could be useful during loan and insurance applications. One of the solutions available in Zenvus is Zenvus Boundary.

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Zenvus Boundary maps farm (land, home, office or any landed property) boundaries and populates them via GIS on Google Map where the survey maps can be printed in our portal. And when done, register with their cooperatives which help them ratify the boundaries with governments. We use this to formalize farmlands and enable financial inclusion. Below is a sample result which the farmer can take to a bank as collateral for loans, after ratification by the local government..

How To Apply

Send us a one page document explaining why we should select you/your entity as a partner in the specific region in Africa where you want to cover [we want to see your scaling strategy. That means how you will get services to map boundaries of farms. Are you going to meet farmers one by one or would you approach a government, NGO, etc to pay you to do so for farmers?]. Your requested geographical coverage cannot be more than a state even though you can start from a state and expand. But at this point, we want you to specify the same or a part of a state you want to focus.

You will use our technology to support farmers in the digitization of their farmlands. We will take a very small commission from your charges to farmers or whoever is paying for the farmers. Also, you will be required to pay a small franchise membership fee (if we select you). Please we want you to see this as an investment, and that is why we are imposing the fees.

Application Deadline: Jan 7, 2018

Email to send application: zenvus@fasmicro.com

We will (privately) announce the selected entities on Jan 15, 2018. Selected partners will automatically join the Zenvus Developer Community.

Farm boundary from Zenvus Boundary


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5 THOUGHTS ON Zenvus Boundary Franchise Opportunity Opens

  1. Fesowola Akintoye says: April 15, 2018 At 6:20 AM

    Dear Ndubuisi.
    I am one of your admirers
    and followers. I want to appreciate you for
    what you are doing for our nation;
    standing up to building our nation for
    greatness through socio-economic
    empowerment and especially giving
    examples througt sharing of your
    invaluable gifts, talents and experiences.

    I have read your presentations on the
    Zenvus solution for farm data
    management (it’s a great tool for
    resourceful farm management)
    and observed over time
    that you have also consistently offered
    additional services of using the
    solution for property boundary and
    building surveys. I do not intend to
    distract you from the greatwork you
    are doing but I need to make the
    following facts available to your/our
    audience and followers.

    1.The Zenvus machine and smart
    phone have 5-15 meter positional
    accuracy depending on the number
    of satellites available during position fixes. This accuracy makes the aquired data qualitative like every other environmental resource data. For example one do not need a large scale data to manage floods and so is large scale agriculture.

    Your solution should manage
    effectively farm landss from one acre
    (3888 Sq. Mts with minimal positional
    error, say within 5 meters) and above.

    A farm land can be absolved from land
    in dispute if non exists and the farmer can use the internally generated technical data
    without third party or government interferance but property boundaries and infrastrures like buildings requires accurate survey because of its social, economic and legal consequences.

    However, farm utitities and buildings etc.
    can be further managed in a GIS environment with Zenvus and smartphones accuracies and with appropriate ODK templates.

    I have tried severally last year to buy some of your resources without success and hope it will be easier now.

    I want to say thank you once again for the great job you are doing.

    Surv. Fesowola Akintoye

    • ndubuisi ekekwe says: April 15, 2018 At 7:15 AM

      Please we welcome you to become a franchise partner on Zenvus Boundary as noted. Let me know if you are interested. That is the only one that is consumer market and anyone can get it. Let me know if you are interested to move forward. We would give you a franchise license if you meet the terms and conditions. Please the info is here https://www.tekedia.com/survey-your-farm-land-and-house-by-yourself-with-zenvus-boundary/

      For our sensors, we work with cooperatives and governments. Go to your village and organize one. My team would have told you as that is the only way to get them now. We would be ready to work with you. We are doing that now to have scale necessary to support farmers. But in future, we can go consumer. Zenvus Boundary has been exclusively used for cooperatives; now it is open to all. In near future, sensors will go consumer also.

  2. Fesowola Akintoye says: April 15, 2018 At 10:44 AM

    I am interested. Thanks.

  3. Fesowola Akintoye says: April 15, 2018 At 10:47 AM

    I accept the franchise partner offer andWhat are the requirements.

    • ndubuisi ekekwe says: April 15, 2018 At 12:08 PM

      Please check them here https://www.tekedia.com/survey-your-farm-land-and-house-by-yourself-with-zenvus-boundary/

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