Home Latest Insights | News Workers Increasingly Trust AI to Perform Nearly Half of Their Tasks – Salesforce Research

Workers Increasingly Trust AI to Perform Nearly Half of Their Tasks – Salesforce Research

Workers Increasingly Trust AI to Perform Nearly Half of Their Tasks – Salesforce Research

According to new Salesforce research, today’s workforce is increasingly turning to AI to handle a significant portion of their tasks.

The study found that 77% of workers have confidence in AI managing nearly half of their workload, though human involvement remains critical for now.

While workers are most comfortable with a collaborative approach between Al and humans, trust in Al’s autonomous capabilities is growing. Tasks such as writing code, uncovering data insights, and drafting communications are increasingly being offloaded to Al, freeing up workers for more complex responsibilities. However, tasks like onboarding, training, and data security are still preferred to be managed by humans, reflecting a cautious approach towards full automation.

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The research highlights the importance of building trust in AI, noting that workers who understand how AI is implemented and governed, are five times more likely to trust the technology to operate autonomously, within the next two years, compared to those who lack the knowledge and technical know-how.

Surveying nearly 6,000 people globally, the Salesforce research revealed that workers are excited about an AI-powered future. Globally, 51% of leaders trust AI to do more of their work than employees do. Most workers trust AI to handle about 43% of their tasks, signaling a shift towards greater reliance on the advanced technology.

While only 10% of global workers trust Al to operate autonomously today, this figure is expected to rise. Also,  within the next three years, 26% of workers are predicted to trust Al to function independently, and 41% will trust Al in three or more years.

Notably, despite the preference of AI for human collaboration, with 54% of the global workforce trusting humans and AI to handle most tasks together, certain tasks are increasingly trusted by AI alone. These include;

Writing code: 15% trust AI to write code autonomously.

Uncovering data insights: 13% trust Al to uncover data insights on its own.

Develop communications: 12% trust Al to develop internal and external communications without a human.

Act as a personal assistant: 12% trust autonomous AI to act as their assistant.

Other tasks, according to respondents, require having a human involved right now.

Global workers are most likely to trust humans alone to do the following:

Be inclusive: 47% trust humans alone to be inclusive.

Onboard and train: 46% trust humans alone to onboard and train employees.

Keep data safe: 40% trust humans alone to keep data safe.

Speaking on the research, Paula Goldman, Chief Ethical and Humane Use Officer said,

“Workers are excited about an AI-powered future and the research shows us that human engagement can help us get there. By empowering humans at the helm of today’s Al systems, we can build trust and drive adoption enabling workers to unlock all that AI has to offer.”

The Role of Human Involvement

Human involvement remains crucial in building trust in Al. 63% of global workers believe that more human oversight would increase their confidence in Al systems. Furthermore, 54% of workers admit they lack understanding of Al implementation and governance at their workplaces, which contributes to their hesitance.

Meanwhile, training and skill-building are identified as key factors in fostering trust. 62% of workers indicate that additional training opportunities would enhance their confidence in AI, suggesting that continuous education is essential for the transition to an AI-augmented future. On the aspect of the gender knowledge gap in AI, 94% of males say they are knowledgeable about AI and how it is implemented, compared to females.

As technology continues to advance at a rapid rate, a large percentage of the global workforce is embracing AI to handle a significant portion of their tasks. While collaboration between humans and AI is happening at an increased rate, the trend indicates a growing trust in AI capabilities, enabling workers to work efficiently and as well ease their workload.

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