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Why You Should Use MetaTrader 4 to Make Online Trading Easier

Why You Should Use MetaTrader 4 to Make Online Trading Easier

As a Nigerian trader, you’ll already know full well the challenges involved in transacting and investing within the country. In an event organised by the Nigeria-American Chamber of Commerce, Afrinvest Consulting Limited managing director Abiodun Keripe pointed out that a key area of need for inward and outward investments is foreign exchange unification, as well as other policies like infrastructure and dead capital, reviving that can help trading initiatives as well as improve national well-being in general.

But you don’t have to wait for the government to enhance your online trading success. News website Legit even noted a bus driver hustling on the side as an online forex trader. He reportedly managed it by leveraging MetaTrader 4 or MetaTrader 5, which are user-friendly and straightforward enough to improve your returns even if you can’t give trading your full attention. Both software are top-notch MetaQuotes trading platforms with comprehensive and streamlined features that can help you on your trading journey—though if you want to try out the more well-established platform, you should start out with MetaTrader 4.

Interested? Here’s more on MetaTrader 4 and why you should use it to make online trading easier.

What is MetaTrader4?

This trading platform has been assisting online traders of all levels since 2005. That’s when MetaQuotes first offered MetaTrader 4 to brokers and companies offering investment or brokerage services, complete with a brand-new system architecture and programming language. Since then, it’s become a leading trading platform with a vast array of features compatible with various trading strategies and execution modes. Using it, you’ll have access to five types of trading accounts, low spreads starting at 0 pips, six types of pending orders, and much more. Its wide-ranging proficiencies promise tremendous benefits that can improve your chances of success in online trading.

Why should you use MetaTrader 4 to make online trading easier?

It’s one of the most popular trading platforms

MetaTrader 4’s reputation as a superb and reliable trading platform has only grown throughout the years. It’s continued to star in lists of the best forex platforms and is recognised as an industry standard. This popularity not only assures you of the platform’s quality—it also means that many intermediaries and brokers are compatible with the platform, giving you a wide selection to choose from to suit your trading needs. You’ll have a better chance of finding the best broker to oversee your transactions with this trading platform.

It has an easy-to-use and customisable interface

If you’re worried that shifting to this platform will result in a steep learning curve that might put a halt to your trading, don’t fret—MetaTrader 4’s interface is extremely intuitive. Unlike other platforms, you won’t be bombarded by bells and whistles clamouring for your attention. MetaTrader 4 prioritises the most frequently-used trading functions, such as trailing stop orders, automatic triggers, and access to personal trading history—putting them front and centre so you can start trading almost immediately. You can even tweak the appearance of your MetaTrader 4 interface to your liking. If you want a dashboard that’s easier on the eyes, you can even head to the platform’s colour panel to change its format.

It allows for personalised indicators

One of the standout features of MetaTrader 4 is that you can create unique trading indicators to gather the information you want to make a trade. Previously, traders were limited to pre-installed indicators such as relative strength index, money flow index, and moving average convergence divergence. Those helpful indicators are still available on the platform. However, if you’re a seasoned trader wanting to test your own ideas on what characteristics spell out a good trade, you can use MetaTrader 4’s editing functions and the simple MQL4 programming language to get the information you need. If you don’t know how to program, you can consult a third party to help you out for a fair price. Generally, though, you can use MetaTrader 4 to push your trading knowledge to its bounds and find new and innovative ways to transact.

It’s capable of automated trading

With automated trading, MetaTrader 4 lets you execute trades—even if you aren’t on your device. No longer will you have to hover over trade offerings that might slip away in the blink of an eye because you were too hesitant. Instead, you can determine in advance your rules for entering and exiting trades via technical analysis, research, and your preferred trading strategies. Afterwards, you input these parameters into MetaTrader 4’s system. For example, you can decide to buy 100 Intel shares when its 50-day moving average goes above the 200-day average. Once this has been written in, MetaTrader 4 will place the trade on your behalf whenever these particular circumstances align. Doing this will allow you to enact your trading plans while minimising errors due to emotion—like revenge trading—and maximizing your time and speed with your transactions.

It can backtest your trading strategies

MetaTrader 4 gives you the chance to edit your indicators and trading parameters—and the ability to examine their effectiveness without losing any money. This is because MetaTrader 4 invented the backtesting function. An article from Nigerian News Today recommends backtesting—or evaluating the performance of your trading strategy by using historical data—to identify any flaws and adjustments you need to make before carrying out your plan with real trades. Doing this will allow you to spot potential risks and refine your strategy. You’ll still have to keep in mind that backtesting won’t guarantee future success—but it does set you up for it, especially if you use the high-quality and accurate historical data MetaTrader 4 has on hand.

It’s highly secure

When dealing with online trading, you’ll want to ensure that your assets don’t disappear into the digital webspace. MetaTrader 4 can give you the assurance that you need. Your data is completely protected—all communications between the server and the MetaTrader 4 platform are encrypted using 128-bit keys, including IP addresses. Additionally, MetaTrader 4 supports contracts with RSA digital signatures, which are recorded in an in-document audit trail that is recognised by almost every developed country worldwide as legal proof. With this trading platform, you’ll have peace of mind knowing that your assets are safe and ready to be used whenever you need them.

MetaTrader 4 is an excellent platform designed to allow you to make well-informed decisions about your transactions and maximise your trading aptitude. Consider the above features when evaluating if it’s right for you.

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