Building more schools is not the solution to our broken education system. A new classroom launched in any part of the world doesn’t add to the mission to get every kid educated.
In a way I’ll say it does. Or ideally it should.
But when we have a million classrooms scattered around the country and they really don’t know what they’re doing in school, can we say they’re been educated.
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Or what’s the use of opening more schools when those being schooled only come out clueless and confused about the real world?
I was travelling from Abeokuta to Akure yesterday and on the bus I decided to reach out to someone (for the gospel and intellectual discussion).
There was this young boy beside me; he looked matured, so I started a conversation with him about the bus, the people and the journey.
After inquiring some things from him, I discovered he was in JSS 3. So after confirming if he was a Christian, I really wanted to know what runs through his mind.
I asked him what department he would join if he entered the senior school. At first, he said Arts and I had to inquire why he chose Arts. He paused for a few seconds not having any response then finally responded “I love arts”.
I pressed further to know if he could draw or do anything related to the arts department. Unfortunately he didn’t. To my surprise he immediately changed and said “I’d go for sciences”.
Well, immediately I got to know his response; I discovered that this young 16 years old boy has spent at least 14 years in school and he doesn’t know anything about the real world.
He hasn’t discovered himself. He doesn’t know what success is, he doesn’t know what contributing to the society is. Now, imagine there are thousands of youngsters just like him who joined sciences, arts, and commercial departments, not even knowing what they want to do.
They continue for another 3 years of clueless, and then get admitted into a university to continue another 5 years of an endless quest to find their true self, and know about the real world. Isn’t that why unemployment rate skyrockets every year.
I began to EDUCATE him. I first made him realize there’d be at least one thing in this present that a human can be inclined to.
So I listed a lot of careers for him and explained, told him the department they fell into, what he needed and all. He wasn’t able to pick out what he loved. That’s a lighter part.
But I mean we send all these kids to learn A for Apple where some of them don’t know what an apple is and it’s not even in that environment.
We teach them X for Xylophone and they don’t know what it is. We all get excited when they can repeat all there word for word. That’s not education.
Quality education lies in the ability of an information passed down to someone to be able to make such a person relevant in society at any point in time. This should be the focus of the government, schools and private bodies.