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Why Coding Schools Are Struggling And What You Can Do

Why Coding Schools Are Struggling And What You Can Do

Have you noticed that the booming tech (yes, coding) jobs are largely fading at scale? As that happens, most business models have expired in the sector. A decade ago, you could open a company, train young people in Africa on coding, and place them in some iconic brands in Western Europe and North America. Not anymore, because those areas have overcapacity.

In America, you can go to UpWork and hire ex-Facebook, ex-Snap, etc engineers. It is a bubble because the world produced a lot of these coders that after the great reset of the pandemic, many became superfluous. Sure, this is NOT to write that coding is gone. I am saying that coding does not guarantee a lot of things as in the past.

If you look deeper in Africa and India, you will notice that the top companies which train and place coding talent in North America are retrenching, changing leadership or have shut down. Why not since their US customers are letting go of indigenous tech guys at home? Bigtech continues to make tons of money even as they continue to reduce headcounts.

Tekedia Mini-MBA edition 15 (Sept 9 – Dec 7, 2024) has started registrations; register today for early bird discounts.

Tekedia AI in Business Masterclass opens registrations here.

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This is a very challenging time for entry level guys in this industry. And you can partly blame AI and its adoption in the design phase. In the value chain, entry level engineers are structured to support experienced engineers. But today, you do not need any human element as AI can deliver whatever most entry level guys are expected to do.

So, under that construct, companies do not need a lot of entry level engineers. They just need AI agents with experienced people who can begin with those agents to build products customers need.

If you are in college, what can you do? Internship. The future of work is changing because the “entry” level duties are being disintermediated by AI. As a result of that, few companies are hiring those with blank experience. In other words, even when in school, it is now beyond grades, you need to have project experiences to be given the opportunity in most firms. 

Of course, if you have skills on how to make a better AI system, that is an entry level skill everyone is looking for right now, in most fields. Did I hear Mathematics, Prompt engineering, Physics?

Here are 15 recommendations for tech job seekers navigating the current market:

  1. Specialize Your Skills: Focus on acquiring specialized skills such as cloud computing, artificial intelligence, or cybersecurity, which are in high demand.

2. Optimize Your Application Materials: Ensure your resume and portfolio are tailored to highlight relevant skills and experiences.

3. Prepare for Lengthy Interviews: Be ready for multiple interview rounds, which may include technical and behavioral assessments.

4. Leverage Networking: Build and utilize a professional network to find job opportunities and gain referrals.

5. Consider Remote Work: Explore remote positions to widen your job search beyond local opportunities.

6. Stay Informed on Industry Trends: Keep up with technological advancements and market trends to stay competitive.

7. Enhance Adaptability: Demonstrate flexibility and adaptability in your skillset and mindset.

8. Pursue Continuous Learning: Engage in online courses, certifications, or workshops to improve your expertise.

9. Target High-Demand Roles: Focus on roles like IT manager, data scientist, or computer systems analyst, which have strong growth prospects.

10. Be Open to Different Roles: Consider a variety of positions that match your skills, even if they differ from your initial career path.

11. Strategize Your Job Search: Treat job hunting as a strategic campaign rather than just submitting applications.

12. Utilize Job Platforms Effectively: Use platforms like LinkedIn to connect with recruiters and industry professionals.

13. Showcase Projects: Highlight personal or volunteer projects that demonstrate your skills and initiative.

14. Understand the Market Dynamics: Recognize that while there are more openings now than earlier in 2023, competition remains high.

15. Seek Feedback: After interviews or applications, request feedback to improve your approach for future opportunities.


Register for Tekedia Mini-MBA (Sept 9 – Dec 7, 2024), and join Prof Ndubuisi Ekekwe and our global faculty; click here.

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1 THOUGHT ON Why Coding Schools Are Struggling And What You Can Do

  1. Well, trending job skills are like fashion trends, so you cannot expect to learn one and hope that it will carry you for five to ten years, except you were not informed. The only thing constant are the fundamentals. Critical thinking is not affected by trends and seasons, same goes for system thinking. You only need to ask the right questions, and right answers will start to emerge.

    You can change without growing, but you cannot grow without changing…

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