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What if Peter Obi does not win?

What if Peter Obi does not win?

I keep hearing Peter Obi cannot win, he does not have the structure, and he does not have the wider coverage or popularity to get him to the presidential villa.

Well, let me play the devil’s advocate here and join the naysayers and sceptics to ask as well; “what if Peter Obi does not win”; and so what?

What if PO does not win?

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It will not change the fact that in a short while he conquered the country like a storm, endeared himself to the hearts of many and became a formidable force in the national political scene. That is a win for me, a win for him and a win for everyone that believed in his candidacy. 

Even if Peter Obi does not win, Nigerians will be sure that there is a strong opposition in Labour Party that will go toe to toe with any party that wins the election and will force the ruling party to seat up because they will be aware that there is a strong political opposition watching them and waiting for them to make a mistake; it will no longer be the dilly-dallying the PDP has been doing in the name of opposition for the past eight years. It will no longer be game as usual and that is a big win for Peter Obi because all he wants is a better Nigeria where the ruling party will be accountable to the electorates.

What if Peter Obi does not win? His candidacy was able to unify Nigeria and Nigerians. For the first time in history, we saw Northern Muslims championing and advocating for his candidacy despite the fact that he is an Igbo christian. We saw Yorubas; Yoruba celebrities and influencers campaigning for his candidacy. We saw most of his campaigners who are non-Igbos or Southerners calling for his emergence, unlike the usual Nigerian politics of tribal, religious and regional sentiments, People set aside their differences to work together for his emergence. This is a huge win for him and a big win for Nigeria and we all should take solace in this.

What if Peter Obi does not win?
Peter Obi with his appearance and dress style identified with the common man on the street and everyday Nigerian. He either wears his regular black kaftan or his black shirt and black Chinos trousers with his black Oxford shoes. He does not dress like the rich man he is, unlike other billionaire contenders, always adorning themselves with their bespoke, high class Agbada and designer shoes and watches. This is a reinforcement to everyday Nigerians that you do not have to look all flashy and glamorous to be set out for greatness. This is absolutely a big win.

Peter Obi’s candidacy has let Nigerian electorates know that they are the determinant of their future. We witnessed outstanding patriotism and political participation in its full glare, people were donating their cars, houses, materials and resources free of charge for the Obi’s political campaigns. It taught Nigerians that it is possible to fully support a candidate because you believe in his candidacy and because you are patriotic and not because of some pecuniary benefits you stand to gain if that candidate wins. This is a win for Nigeria and not just for Peter Obi as his candidacy chased away political apathy amongst the youths which have been a huge problem in the Nigerian political scene.

What if Obi loses at the Poll? Then he has succeeded in letting the political class know that it is no longer business as usual, there is a new political order fully championed by the youths, therefore the old political order should either sit up or will be forced to retire to their villages. This to me is a big win.

What if Obi loses? Then he succeeded in teaching the  Nigerian political class that politics and getting endeared to people do not necessarily have to do with money. You do not have to use money to buy love or buy the support of the people or use money to bribe your way through the corridors of power. Being decent pays as we have learnt from Obi.

What if Obi loses, then has won in teaching the old political class that their politics and campaigning style is no longer in vogue. The politics and campaign style of eating corn along the road, frying akara or visiting old rural communities and making never-to-be-fulfilled promises during campaign times re out of fashion; Obi’s candidacy changed all that.

Obi’s candidacy lets people know that if you are good material people will source you out and seek after you, root for you and campaign for you with no strings attached. Obi’s candidacy is an eye-opener to professional politicians and prospective politicians that if you are eying political positions in the future you need to avoid corruption, make an impact in your current position and your good deeds will speak for you. Electorates are paying attention and are always noticing your good or bad deeds.

Hopefully, Obi wins but if he doesn’t as the sceptics or naysayers have been saying, you can see for yourself with the above points that he is a typical winner.

In all, May the best man win and May Nigeria win.

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