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Unlimited, Lifetime Access And Why You Have Zero Referrals

Unlimited, Lifetime Access And Why You Have Zero Referrals

The data there is clear: “The completion rate of online courses is between 5–15%, and for MOOCs, it is 3–6% only”. That is dreadful. Every online program has that problem where people pay for something, and rarely make time, since people are not constrained by time and geography like in the physical courses to be somewhere at a specific time.

To solve that problem, Tekedia Institute does not give unlimited time or lifetime access, unlike most online courses where there is no end date, to finish the program. If people know there is a deadline or an expiration date, they will make time. Yes, if you tell them that your program has no expiration date, they will never make time for your program, and that hurts your mission.

Simply, if they pay and never make time to study your courseware, they will have nothing useful to say about your program when people ask them for feedback. The implication is that you cannot get word of mouth referrals.

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Why this post? Most times, policies we have in online platforms are the reasons we’re not growing, even though those policies may look “customer-friendly”. But look deeper, you are hurting those same customers. In Tekedia Institute, after we looked at data, we discontinued lifetime access, and forced our Learners to complete our programs within a year of registration even though some of those programs are designed for 3 or 2 months; today, our completion rate is hitting close to 90%. 


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1 THOUGHT ON Unlimited, Lifetime Access And Why You Have Zero Referrals

  1. It is the same reason why deadline days for implementation of any policy are usually packed. When you let humans know that there’s time, they will never do what they ought to do, until you put expiration date.

    It is always the less productive ones that lay claim to being ‘busy’ all the time. It is what it is.

    Elon Musk runs multiple companies, but he still has plenty time to tweet and pick fights here and there. He needs to be studied.

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