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Trump Liberalizes the Conservatives

Trump Liberalizes the Conservatives

During the Obama Presidency, some politicians threw everything at him. Yes, some people who call themselves the Tea Party, fiscal hawks, conservatives or whatever made things very hard for him. Today, most of those men smiled as President Trump signed a $2 trillion stimulus bill, accelerating the U.S. deficit. As they clapped, hugged and boasted about the spending victory, one thing came to mind: why do men deceive themselves?

President Donald Trump signed a $2 trillion coronavirus relief bill on Friday, as Washington tries to blunt economic destruction from the pandemic ripping through the United States.

The House earlier passed the stimulus package, believed to be the largest in U.S. history, by voice vote, which simply measures if more lawmakers shout for “aye” or “nay” on whether to support it. The chamber scrambled Friday to block an effort to delay its passage.

If you see how these men opposed Obama as he looked for funds to get America out of the miry clay of 2009 market collapse, you would not expect them to join the current chorus of a bailout.

Ladies and gentlemen: every politician is the same – American, Nigerian or British. It is no permanent enemy, no permanent friend but a permanent interest. Yes, they simply want job security, and they would do everything to manipulate enough votes for a Win.

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Since President Trump came, he is doing what he does best: spend other people’s money. And all those men who made a career of preaching fiscal conservatism, opposing any federal help to communities, have magically had brain transplants. Today, the liberals are outflanked because they cannot go big enough – on spending.

Sure, this is not to diminish the paralysis of Covid-19. My point is this: had Obama been running this show, these conservatives may be singing different stanzas. Not that they believe the spirit of their opposition; it is just that it would help them keep their jobs!


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1 THOUGHT ON Trump Liberalizes the Conservatives

  1. Francis Oguaju says: March 28, 2020 At 2:03 AM

    Politics has many facets, and how a politician chooses to address an issue will always be open to attacks and applauses; at the end of the day what counts is what the majority of people want, that’s why you must pay attention…

    The ideological warfare comes full swing when you propose what ought to be emergence measures as permanent style of governance, this is where a separation emerges.

    If you play down the crisis, you will be termed ‘wicked’, ‘clueless’, ‘incompetence’, even ‘racist’; and when you play it the other way, those who are out there to take a dig at you will muddle the narrative and tag you a socialist. That’s why being too emotional in politics is counterproductive, because there’s nothing you do which everyone will be in agreement. Just keep making decisions as the temperature of the voters change…

    Currently, a single state like New York is demanding for 30k to 40k ventilators, but ask yourself, what would be the use of this number of ventilators when the pandemic goes away? But in times of crisis, nobody cares about that, just provide whatever that is demanded!

    If you want to remain a ‘nice guy’, never go into politics, at the mention of the name alone automatically creates enemies and detractors.

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