If your company “promotes” you, or you accept a new offer where you are 100% ready on Day 1, it is not an elevation, but a job title evolution. Career ascension requires taking responsibilities which even though you may not be 100% ready on Day 1, you know that you have inherent capabilities to quickly rise to the occasion.
Today, I ask you to accelerate your leadership ascent. The most memorable presentation I have ever made was speaking before Bill Gates for about 60 minutes. I had calculated how much he makes per minute and was concerned about one key thing: would they cut me off after 3 minutes? But magically, after I finished, he came across the table, extended his hand, and I asked a fellow to take a photo of both of us.
I made it back to the hotel and said “Ndubuisi, you underestimate yourself”. Indeed, why was the doubt? I did not need to have done it until I did it the first time! That is it, we underestimate ourselves because we never think that humans are always available, to help, if necessary. But if we dream big, help will come.
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In secondary school, because I was a science student, I registered for art courses in SSI, deciding to take them in GCE while in school. Then, WAEC published the exact dates and they clashed with my secondary school internal exams in SS1. My principal, Mr. Ogbonnia, and his deputy, Mr.Alaohuru, changed the exam calendar to accommodate my GCE schedules. They provided a crossover and I was fine, shuttling those exams but never missed any.
Simply, aim higher and keep looking up because no one was born a CEO, a Director, or a president. All, and everyone, were once not one. Yes, it’s time for the next lift because you’re more than ready. And will cross as many are holding that crossover “bridge” to help.
Register for Tekedia Mini-MBA (Feb 10 - May 3, 2025), and join Prof Ndubuisi Ekekwe and our global faculty; click here.
To know if your are ready for something, you have to do it first in your head and in your mind, before having the opportunity to do it physically. If you don’t feel you can do something when called upon, you will not do well when asked to. The defeat and failure start internally.
The director’s secret is not but directing, the same applies to a leader, it’s simply by leading. The titles are product of application, and not for you to go in search of what to do. When you write – you become a writer, and when you speak – you become a speaker. The same principle applies across all human endeavours, so you decide where to distinguish yourself.
Even before a physical fight, you still size your opponent up first, to know whether to go on with the exchange of blows or opting for diplomacy. You take up new responsibility to validate a potential, and not to repeat the obvious.