Home Community Insights The Vast Range Of Skillsets Behind Major Tech Industries

The Vast Range Of Skillsets Behind Major Tech Industries

The Vast Range Of Skillsets Behind Major Tech Industries

Whether you’re investing in tech firms or looking to jump into an industry yourself, knowing as much as possible about that area of business is essential for making good decisions. While the average investor may look at the surface level of operations, most tech businesses run far deeper and more complex than many realise. Here are some examples of just what goes into different huge tech industries.

Online Casino

At the front of things, the average online casino site looks relatively simple. As does the business practice, with players making deposits and placing bets on different kinds of games from poker to slots. To get to that stage, however, takes a lot more effort than it looks, and for someone to play the Age of the Gods slot machine or any other online game needs a journey through multiple tech types.

To begin with, logging in takes the player through several layers of identification on cybersecurity platforms, and then making the first deposit will go through a highly secure payment platform that can range all the way up to crypto integration. Then you have the website itself with the latest in interactive features powered by HTML 5, and finally the extensive development behind each of the games themselves.


We mentioned cybersecurity in passing above, but this is a lynchpin element of the tech world that comes with a lot of different elements itself. Virtually everything that happens online, every message or financial transaction, will pass through some level of encryption or security checks at some point, and making it all work takes a veritable army of different types of specialists.

To start with, there are the testers, agents, and ‘white hat’ hackers who are constantly launching simulated attacks against systems to try and expose flaws and faults. Then there are vast teams of software developers working around the clock to fix any gaps and find new ways to keep people safe, from mega companies like Mastercard to everyday email users. It’s a particularly interesting area for investors as well as it’s set for constant growth.

Component Development

Moving away from the pure software side of things, recent years and areas like cryptocurrency have made component development companies such as Intel, Nvidia, and AMD into very familiar names. Indeed, Nvidia became one of the most valuable stocks in the world at the beginning of the 2020s, and that has opened the industry up to a lot more general interest going forward.

Where development teams were once often a few driven enthusiasts back in the 80s, major companies will now employ huge numbers of scientists and engineers working in tandem to push the next generation of hardware forward. We’ve reached the point now where between nanotechnology, 3D stacking and advanced materials, any further progress requires nothing short of the very best human resources assigned to it and the biggest companies in the market are doing just that. Extra research behind the scenes of a tech business is always a good idea, no matter how simple or complex it may be. Remember, knowledge is power and very often means money as well.

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