Business Day reports as follows:
As the number of Nigerians applying to acquire Information and Communications Technology (ICT) certifications sky-rockets, the institutions which offer the training in the country are engaged in a struggle for market share.
Nigerian youths are attracted to ICT certification training because persons with the said certifications generally get much higher remunerations than the average university graduate.
Also persons with certain ICT certifications are highly sought after and are very well paid by employers in Europe and the USA among other countries. Besides these, in the start off point of many certification trainings, previous academic qualification is not emphasised. Rather, the empasis is on interest and acumen.
We are truly interested in knowing how much these certifications add in value in terms of wage to an average graduate. Anyone with numbers and willing to share with us? We want to know what say CCNA adds to someone with Bsc Computer Science in the Nigerian labor market. Please email as we are trying to ascertain the impact of these certifications in Nigeria.