Home Community Insights The Need For Interpersonal Professional Relationships In The Workplace

The Need For Interpersonal Professional Relationships In The Workplace

The Need For Interpersonal Professional Relationships In The Workplace

To exist just for self is meaningless. No one is an Island. Humans by nature are social animals. To succeed there is a need for humans to develop interpersonal relationships. Interpersonal relationship refers to the strong association among individuals working together in the society or an organization to achieve a common goal.

There is a strong need to develop interpersonal relationships, especially in the workplace because it is very crucial to the success of the organization. Imagine an organization where its employees refuse to cultivate interpersonal relationships. It often leads to things like slow progress, no collaboration, lack of delegation, low productivity, etc.

Every employee needs to interact in the workplace. There is a need for cooperation amongst them. They must get along well for a positive and healthy work environment. Good relationships are the fabrics of a good organization. Naturally, humans are social animals, so there is always a feeling of wanting to relate with others and share feelings or hold a conversation. It is really dangerous being alone in the workplace because according to studies an individual working in isolation is more prone to stress and anxiety because they hardly enjoy the job.

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Individuals who work alone always find their work to be monotonous. There is a need to always mingle and relate properly with others in the work environment because doing it makes the work enjoyable. There is this popular saying, “a tree does not make a forest”. No matter how smart an individual is, he or she can’t make and implement decisions alone. There is a need to always collaborate.

It is necessary for employees to always come together to discuss various issues, evaluate critical situations which will benefit not only the employees alone but the organization as a whole. Collective ideas always lead to better results than a single idea, because collectively they come together to brainstorm, and in the process proffer solutions to conclude at a better idea and strategy.

To develop an interpersonal relationship, the manager must see the need to hold weekly meetings where everyone must be allowed to talk. By doing so, this will promote interpersonal relationships. There could also be a situation where employees will be divided into teams to carry out a given task. This will promote communication amongst them. Interaction regularly is important for a healthy relationship.

Interpersonal relationships in the workplace can lead to hard work among employees and also put a check on bad behavior. When employees interact with one another, whenever one does a good job, it leads to commendations from colleagues. Applause or a pat on the back can go a long way in bringing out the best in individuals. Also in terms of bad behavior, sometimes people don’t see a fault in what they do, it takes a word from a trustworthy colleague to tell them their mistakes.

There is a need for interpersonal relationships in the workplace because it enables employees to complete given tasks on time or within the time frame. An employee who does not interact with other workers is usually overburdened and hardly completes tasks because they are all alone. Their character makes it difficult for them to seek assistance or delegate a task to a coworker. One thing they fail to understand is that getting support from co-workers is very important. The earlier they realize that they cannot do everything on their own, the better it will be for them.

Sometimes, due to loads of tasks, an employee needs the help of his or her colleague to help them complete tasks to be able to meet deadlines. Often, failure to meet deadlines can spell doom for them which often leads to a query or sack. To be able to achieve interpersonal relationships in the workplace, employees must be sociable, cultivate tolerance, stand with co-workers in good and bad times, avoid keeping malice, and treat everyone with courtesy.


The need for interpersonal relationships in the workplace is inevitable because when employees of an organization ensure that they maintain a proper relationship in the workplace, it offers so many advantages such as increased productivity, peaceful co-existence, proper delegation of duties, etc.

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