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The Future of Work and the Workplace, and 4 Top Productivity Hacks

The Future of Work and the Workplace, and 4 Top Productivity Hacks

I have recently read up on the future of works, particularly looking at different studies and research and what they predict will happen in the next decade. As you can imagine, it has been an enlightening and exciting expose for me, and I’ll share with you some of them that struck me.

There is a consensus between a report in the Wall Street Journal and independent studies published by CBRE and Genesis about how the workplace will look in 2030. Here are some that I find interesting, almost funny, but quite realistic.

  1. They agree that the workplace of the future will have more of a flat structure with an emphasis on teams rather than the hierarchical structure that has some leaders at the top. These teams will work together to achieve outstanding results. I entirely agree that a flat structure like that will give every team member a sense of responsibility and ownership and have more people taking on responsibilities. This will be better for the individuals, the team, and the organization.
  2. They also predict that offices in the future will be designed in a way that factors in the comfort and welfare of staff. It would feature several quiet areas where staff can work if they need some time away from the team, as well as relaxation areas, music, and other things that may enhance staff wellness. On this point, I also agree because the world is generally becoming more conscious of mental health conversations, and they may actively look for ways to enhance employees’ mental health.
  3. They also predict that by 2030, every worker at every level will have a Robot assistant. This is almost the case already. People already use robotic helpers like Siri, Alexa, Chatgpt, and others to do their research, sort through mail, schedule meetings and reminders, and create spreadsheets and presentations. I think this will become the order of the day long before 2030.
  4. These studies also predict the emergence of a job role called “Chief of Work,” who will be responsible for building the work culture within an organization. I think what we currently know as Human Resources (HR) and Head of Operations could both merge to form this role. Like with other job roles, it may also take on distinct titles from one organization to the other.

I also found another fascinating piece from Cognizant and ZDNeton the jobs and careers that will emerge in the next decade. Most of them are expected already, like the Augmented Reality Journey Builder and the Highway Controller, who will monitor Automated road and air space management systems and prevent errors. However, I found that a few of them got me laughing.

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They predict that by 2030, a job role will be called Personal Memory Curator – someone who will consult with patients and stakeholders to generate specifications for virtual reality experiences. Another predicted job is the Body part maker, who will create living body parts for athletes and soldiers. The third, which I found very interesting, is the Memory augmentation surgeon – who will boost patients’ memory when it hits capacity.

Imagine that? Human memory is reaching capacity and needs a boost. What do you think of these job roles?

4 Top Productivity Hacks

If you intend to make a success out of your list of goals and visions for 2024, staying productive should be top on your mind. There is nothing more painful than being busy all day and yet unable to point out what has been achieved at the end of the day. Whether you are a career professional, entrepreneur, or freelancer, it is vital to ensure your time counts. Every time invested into work should achieve something; it should produce a result.

I’ll share some productivity hacks that help me stay effective and focused, especially when I have much to do.

1. Mindful Time Blocking

You can use time blocking to structure your day effectively. You allocate specific time slots for focused work, meetings, and breaks.This method ensures that you dedicate uninterrupted periods to high-priority tasks.This is a hack that shoots you to high levels of productivity, as against trying to juggle multiple things at the same time.

Do you know why this hack will come in handy? Because distractions are abundant at these times. You could be working and then decide to check your email in a minute, and from then, get completely derailed into replying to the email. And you are then responding to another issue ASAP. Maybe an Instagram notification would then pop up right at the moment you want to drop the phone and get to work. This pattern continues, and at the end of today, there is no clear definition of what you have achieved, even though you are feeling mentally drained already.

2. AI and Technology-Powered Task Management for focus

Leverage the latest advancements in artificial intelligence and technology for task management. Utilize AI-driven tools to prioritize tasks, set deadlines, and automate routine processes, allowing you to focus on more complex and strategic aspects of your work. If you need to freeze all your social media apps to concentrate on work for 4 hours, do that. If you need to set a reminder that beeps every 2 hours to tell you what task you should be moving on to, do that. Whatever technology you have at your disposal should be used to increase your productivity.

It is even possible to create a virtual workspace that minimizes distractions, providing a dedicated environment for deep work without the interruptions of the physical world.

3. Try journaling to keep track of your habits

At the end of the day, try noting how much time has been spent on work, social media, interpersonal interactions, leisure, exercise, etc. You can use wearable devices and apps to provide real-time data on your activity, helping you understand your mental state and optimize your work habits for peak performance. It will be hard to know what activities you should allocate more time to if you are not keeping track of what you generally spend your time on.

4. Digital Detox and Mindfulness Practices

In a hyper-connected world, prioritize digital detox periods to recharge. Think of a digital detox period as one where you stay off your digital devices and connect with your surroundings and people offline. Not only is it healthy, but it can also help to increase your concentration ability. Integrate mindfulness practices into your routine, such as meditation and deep breathing exercises, to enhance focus, reduce stress, and foster overall well-being.

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