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The Devil is Sometimes Innocent!

The Devil is Sometimes Innocent!

I was in a big church the other day and I noticed that the sound was very bad, there were also network glitches during the service. The services are streamed live from the headquarters, distributed across to the other campuses. The pastor complained that the devil has been fighting the services so that people will not be blessed hence why the devil is causing the network glitches and the bad sounds. 

Well, in defense of the devil, it is not everything that one should attribute to the devil. If you fail to do what you ought to do, you do not go about calling out the devil. I strongly believe that the problem with the sound and the network glitches are technical problems that the devil has no hands in.

I remember some campus fellowship I attended back then in the University, the generating set was bad and it ought to be serviced regularly or changed totally but, it was still used to power and loaded with heavy-duty equipment beyond its capacity and the generator would go off during the service. Then I was a member of the prayer group of the fellowship, so the leader of the prayer group would call all the members of the group outside and ask us to start praying against every devil fighting against the service through the generating set.  We would sometimes spend hours praying but our prayers would not be answered as the generator would keep coming on and off till the end of the service. 

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Things like this are most of the problems we face in Africa, especially Nigeria, trying to attribute anything and everything to the devil or spiritual attack even when it is obvious that we fail to do what we ought to do. Commonsensically, if you load a generator, especially an old generator with heavy duty equipments beyond its capacity, the generator will go off or even spark, what needs to be done is to reduce the equipment or change the generator totally; once we were able to buy another generator, the devil stopped fighting the service as the new generator unlike the old one does no longer go off; what a coincidence.

Most times you will see someone doing some nasty things, and when asked his reason or motive he will be quick to call the devil; I believe that the devil itself it’s too busy to engage in some petty things like turning off the generator of a small campus fellowship or causing network glitches during live streaming of services. 

I am not doubting the fact that the devil works but there are some things that common sense should let you know to fix and that will be all instead of blaming the devil for what it has no hand in.


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