Home Latest Insights | News TAFFD USA Honours Ndubuisi Ekekwe Among 20 Best Futurist Keynote Speakers 2019

TAFFD USA Honours Ndubuisi Ekekwe Among 20 Best Futurist Keynote Speakers 2019

TAFFD USA Honours Ndubuisi Ekekwe Among 20 Best Futurist Keynote Speakers 2019

The day I heard that Goldman Sachs paid Hillary Clinton $675k for a speech, I froze. But as small people, we have been climbing in this industry in America and beyond,  where thinkers are asked to inspire people by x-raying the future. Even with my Nigerian accent (working harder to keep it), the calls keep coming. Today, the highly respected Transdisciplinary Agora for Future Discussions, Inc (TAFFD), Georgia, USA selected me as one of the 20 Best Futurist Keynote Speakers 2019. I also got into their 120-page magazine. From their email informing me.

Congratulations for being certified as one of the TAFFD’s Twenty Best Futurist Keynote Speakers for 2019. Your bio and picture form part of the TAFFD’s Magazine available at – https://amp.issuu.com/visual-stories/dnk47FPTHQH or https://issuu.com/taffds/docs/taffd_s_magazine_2019. The nomination is hierarchical and our parameter brought you in as one of the best and outstanding  keynote speakers.

Great moments ahead – thank you TAFFD.


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11 THOUGHTS ON TAFFD USA Honours Ndubuisi Ekekwe Among 20 Best Futurist Keynote Speakers 2019

  1. Francis Oguaju says: February 13, 2020 At 1:15 PM

    There is something you are doing right, even the blind have been pointing at it.

    Both on LinkedIn platform and Tekedia, even with hundreds of millions of people, including those with millions of followers on the former, you have huge number of high quality followers, not just headcounts. Again, I struggle to see handful of people who create more value than you on LinkedIn. Of course people have different metrics for measuring what constitutes value, and what can be termed great; going by my own metric, you are certainly among the top five. Yes, because not many things make sense to me, but you manage to say things that make sense almost everyday!

    Let’s just say in another decade, you could become an institution, in the true sense of it.

    Congratulations, and keep doing your thing.

    • Ndubuisi Ekekwe says: February 14, 2020 At 2:52 AM

      Thank you Francis

  2. Ugochukwu says: February 13, 2020 At 5:23 PM

    Congratulations Sir!

  3. Anonymous says: February 14, 2020 At 1:49 AM

    I have closely watched and carefully paid attention to your articles on LinkedIn and tekedia.com. Having you as a connection, to me is priceless and unmatchable.
    We in FUTO celebrate you as one of us and one of our living ideas.

    Congratulations sir.

    • Ndubuisi Ekekwe says: February 14, 2020 At 2:53 AM

      Thank you

  4. Joseph Ezenwa says: February 14, 2020 At 1:54 AM

    Prof.I like your consistency.On daily basis you post something new.In as much as you have attained the post of Prof.which is the highest position one can attain in academic world, you keep on working and updating.I have not listened to your speech but I believe that you must be doing well based on the number of requests you get.Now the highly respected Transdisciplinary Agora for Future Discussions, Inc (TAFFD), Georgia, USA selected you as one of the 20 Best Futurist Keynote Speakers in 2019. You also got into their 120-page magazine.This is a big milestone.Congrats.

    • Ndubuisi Ekekwe says: February 14, 2020 At 2:55 AM

      Thank you Joseph for the kind comment.

  5. ralphchuksng says: February 14, 2020 At 8:18 AM

    Congrats Prof for this achievement. I particularly love the part you said “Even with my Nigerian accent (working harder to keep it)” This is from Nigeria to the World. Keep doing what you are doing sir, more recognition is coming.

  6. Clement says: February 15, 2020 At 9:27 AM

    For me also I recently started following your post on LinkedIn and I can say with my broad technical and commercial skills, that you are a great thinker and writer. Congratulations.

  7. Ndubuisi Ekekwe says: February 16, 2020 At 9:30 AM

    Thank you, Good People

  8. Nwabueze Iheme says: February 20, 2020 At 2:46 AM

    Congratulations Prof. We are proud of tour exploits. Keep soaring

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