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Status of the Garage48 Lagos Teams at Saturday 12:00


Status of the Garage48 Lagos teams at Saturday 12:00


Notice: The Organizers have pulled this offline. But we have it here.


May 07, 2011
We had a status update checkpoint for all teams. Teams working hard and results are interesting!

Came together as a team, made sure all have the same understanding about the project. Divided tasks by speciality of the team members. Put up the front-page to get people interested in it. Focusing on 2-3 scenarios – the architecture is in place.
Problems – none.

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Done with UI design. Backend team has done the database structures and coding and are currently working on PHP backend components. One guy is hacking on mobile client. Currently getting the domain name and looking for hosting.
Problem – not sure if the mobile version will be ready by tomorrow



Lecture wall
Done the UI, homepage is ready but not on-line. Next steps – to make the backend and get the study materials for the content.
Problem: Little trouble with monetization.



City Explorer
Work going on with the back-end and front-end. No front end and design yet. Focussing on the business model.
Problems – none.



My Cash
Done with the UI design. Working on front-end – using google web-toolkit. Backend is done. Mobile client is on the way. Fremium model for monetization. Today – web UI must be done.
Problems: Android aspect and open-id integration.


Evrica Events
Understanding reached, feature list for the 48h and the todo list in place. DB design ready. Today, a number of features to be implemented. Front-end almost ready, working on the design. The domain name has been claimed: http://www.evricaevents.com
Problems: Payment gateway – will not be able to implement in 48h.



Flippii – http://flippii.com | Facebook
30% done. Design is done, UI is done. DB architecture is done, no back-end yet. Domain name taken and hosting is ready
Next – backend today / tomorrow.
Problems: Marketing and monetization


Customer Service Aggregation Agency
Working on the fron-end – design ready, logo ready, some of the front-end. Login works. Little bit done on back end
Need: integration with twilio (clowd phone services).
Problem: integration of twilio with Android app.




Nigerian Food Recipe Web and Mobile Solution. Finalized on the name – will have website and mobile web app. Trying to provide the recepies focusing on Nigeria, by dividing Nigeria into zones of food culture.
Done with name: Choulix. Logo and design. Some of the J2ME app is done and Black Berry App as well.
Plans: Partnering with local chefs.
For updates, visit the official site

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