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WIN, Not Just Appear To Be Winning On The Wealth Race
To build wealth, the most important thing is the mindset, and the key is focusing on winning over appearing to be winning. In other...
Building Resilient Anti-Fraud Systems in Enterprises | Tekedia Mini-MBA
From my non-scientific data, more fintechs collapse in Africa due to cybersecurity, compliance, KYC, and fraud related matters, than competition. Consequently, to ensure businesses...
The Global Stock Market Seems To Be Crashing
Too bad, that is the way the market system works. It has been really long since I bought any stock. But with what I...
Nigeria – On My Mind!
Nigeria - you are on my mind. And I want to tell you that I do not forget how kind you have been. You...
Business Opportunities and Growth Vectors in Nigeria, Africa [video]
Watch video of the recorded event below.
Join us on Saturday for Tekedia Capital OPEN as we discuss Business Opportunities and Growth Vectors in Nigeria,...