Home Latest Insights | News Reflections on “Made-in” Nigeria or “owned-by” Ireland? Country-of-origin cues and the narratives of Guinness consumption in London

Reflections on “Made-in” Nigeria or “owned-by” Ireland? Country-of-origin cues and the narratives of Guinness consumption in London

Reflections on “Made-in” Nigeria or “owned-by” Ireland? Country-of-origin cues and the narratives of Guinness consumption in London
The recent withdrawal of Diageo from the Nigerian market, and the stepping in of Singapore-based Tolaram, reminds me of an article I published almost two decades ago. In that article, I evaluated the impact of country-of-origin (COO) effects on the consumption patterns of “made in” Nigeria Guinness compared to Guinness “owned by” Ireland. It traces the trend of […]
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