My team has started working on the certificates for the first edition of Tekedia Mini-MBA as we begin to round up the first edition. As I have already noted, next week will be a LIVE session, to review our more than 12 weeks of co-learning, from innovation to growth, great impacts at work to huge profits, and more. Have a great weekend ahead.
We are entering the concluding phase of the first edition of Tekedia Mini-MBA. Next week will be a revision week. We will use it to trial Tekedia Live which we are exploring for the future. So, next week, we will review everything we have discussed since Feb 10, 2020 to date.
This was not part of the original plan and you do not need to attend. We are adding it to ensure those used to live learning are supported. The sessions will be recorded for replay later. Beginning Monday through Friday, we will be live at 11am-11. 30am Lagos time, daily, reviewing more than 12 weeks of study. If you have questions you want us to address, in generic formats, email Admin.
The second edition registration is ongoing at the moment; connect here.

Register for Tekedia Mini-MBA edition 17 (June 9 – Sept 6, 2025) today for early bird discounts. Do annual for access to Blucera.com.
Tekedia AI in Business Masterclass opens registrations.
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Register for Tekedia Mini-MBA (June 9 – Sept 6, 2025), and join Prof Ndubuisi Ekekwe and our global faculty; click here.