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Goodluck Jonathan Will Win Nigeria’s Presidency – Tekedia Prediction


This is our prediction. Jonathan will win this election by 55-60%. This is what our polls gave us and it seems to confirm Thisday’s.


Congratulations – Mr President. Goodluck Jonathan, now the country needs a fresh air.


Yet, make sure to vote.

With All The Talks About Debt and Retirement – Why Not Try Technology?


Daily, we have become accustomed to reading about the many challenges America faces as a nation. It has unemployment problems, runaway federal deficit, real estate depression, health care crises and senior citizens that live longer. Yes, many see people living longer as a problem because we still operate industrial age economics with its archaic retirement system for a knowledge century.


Accordingly, when we look at what it will take to care for retirees over long stretch, economists get worried. From Germany to Japan, managing human longevity in the developed world has taken a central role in governments. On Sept 7, 2010, millions of people demonstrated in France over the government’s plan to change the unemployment age from 60 to 62.


But are these people really retiring, technically?


People retire at sixty years and then spend six hours a day on social media. These hours could have actually been redesigned to become work, if the system has mastered the constructs of the knowledge economy. When someone retires from running a small website and spends the number of hours we put on the social media, it simply shows our system is broken.


We fail to understand that in the knowledge era, someone could work far beyond seventy years. Yes, that old economic model of factory and farm economy that depended on physical energy is ending. Accordingly, the retirement age it produced should be replaced. I see no reason why a webmaster that maintains a website should retire from it and then spend 6 hours a day as a retiree on social media.


What the world needs is a new system that defines retirement based on the industry. In other words, we have to develop industry-based retirement system that looks at what it takes someone to do its job. While it makes sense for a farmer to retire at a younger age because of the physical requirements to work, it is not really important for someone whose work resolves around the web to do the same. So, we could say that the factory and farm workers could retire two years earlier than the knowledge workers.


Though it is bound to create challenges in the system, we can make do by finding ways to ensure that those knowledge workers that put so much time in the social media can invest some of the time in creative activities and government will pay them. So they might have retired, but government will put them through a transition stage through which they can technically work for the government via the web.


As more jobs move to the web, senior citizens can still provide opportunities than going into retirements immediately. It is possible that we can extend the years by creating a program where as they socialize on the web, we can develop work they can do. It is building a system that seamlessly blends into their retirement experiences.


The developed world needs a solution to meet obligations to the future and it is imperative that we use new opportunities technologies have provided. And associated human habits they have helped create.  Nations need to quantify and understand how some government works could be done via the web and distributed to senior citizens who even during their retirements can help. Doing that means having a process that is structured to be in sync with their social media experiences.


Take for instance data collection and web surveys. Such activities can be assigned to senior citizens under a partnership through which they can be asked to help. It is important that private companies can be encouraged to develop a model where they can tap the enormous hours people invest on social media, especially the  senior citizens, and use that to save costs. They could work remotely from their homes under flexible work schedules.


For a nation like Japan that has 23% of its population over the age of 65 and fertility rate of 1.34, about 0.7 below the acceptable minimum for a developed nation to maintain a constant population, it must think deep into new models for retirement. This will require more thoughts than what some of its provincial governments are doing- running dating sites for singles to boost procreation.



The developed world needs a system that evaluates the new nature of work. As work moves towards knowledge, requiring lesser physical energy, we have to find ways to extend the time people retire without obstructing how they have viewed their post-work lives. By using technology to build productive works into their retiree’s experiences, America and indeed the whole developed world could discover ways to continue to tap their senior’s experiences while balancing the nations’ budgets.

Technology Will Make All The Difference – A Message To National Assembly


Group Photo with S&T Subcommittees of the National Assembly, Nigeria.


Fasmicro Founder (2nd from left/ 2nd Row) , Prof N Ekekwe, addressed them and envisioned a roadmap for technology readiness in Nigeria. Front row (4th from Right) is Senate Chairman of S&T Committee. The counterpart in the House of Representatives is Front Row (3rd person). Front Row (2nd from left) is DVC OAU Ile-Ife. Others are DGs of many govt agencies, experts, senators and house members.

Photo credit: National Centre for Technology Management, Nigeria

With This Gadget, Your Monitor Is Transformed Into A Computer


Visit our Owerri  office to see SynQ  – the simple thin client that converts your monitor into a computer.  Available from May.

=======Original press release======

Feb 21, 2011, Lagos – Fasmicro today unveiled two versions of network computers – SynQ and SynQ Pro. These products are also called zero clients, thin clients, PC stations, and are designed for organizations like libraries, banks, schools, cyber cafes, factories, training centers, companies, government departments, etc, where multiple people use computers. It is poised to eliminate standard PC for something affordable, better and durable. With these two solutions, customers can save up to 90% in equipment acquisition, 90% on electricity and 90% lesser electronic waste.

A thin client (sometimes also called a lean or slim client) is a computer or a computer program which depends heavily on some other computer (its server) to fulfill its traditional computational roles. This stands in contrast to the traditional fat client, a computer designed to take on these roles by itself. The exact roles assumed by the server may vary, from providing data persistence (for example, for diskless nodes) to actual information processing on the client’s behalf. (Source: Wikipedia)

As computers have become more powerful, processing power has been left redundant as average PC use about 5% of its capacity. So what SynQ and SynQ Pro do is to utilize this extra capacity of the PC, over adding more hardware. That means we reduce the footprint in the office, reduce the energy consumption and offer an environmental-friendly solution.

SynQ and SynQ Pro are terminals with no CPU, memory, RAM but have the capacity to synchronize very function of the host PC (the server which can be a regular PC), allocates processing power, dynamically. With software running on the host PC, each user with a monitor can work on the host PC as though it has an individual computer. There is no latency because we have an inbuilt cache system that eliminates that. It is affordable, durable, cheap and very rugged.

SynQ and SynQ can support up to 30 shared resources simultaneously. All the customer needs is one standard PC, 30 units of either SynQ or SynQ Pro, and 30 monitors (plus mouse and keyboards). With that, the customer will get 30 people working as they have 30 different units of standard PCs.

SynQ Pro is more powerful than SynQ. Besides all the regular features of SynQ, SynQ Pro has a USB that supports USB disk, printer, and barcode scanner. The good thing about SynQ and SynQ Pro is that the computational powers of the terminals are roughly equivalents to the power of the server. So, if you have a very strong server, you have got a server in your terminals.

Key Features:

  • This technology enables many users to share one standard PC simultaneously, reducing cost. The connection to the host PC can be done via internet, HUB, Switch hub, or Router. In other words, if the person takes the SynQ or SynQ Pro home, connection to the host PC can be done via the Internet.
  • Supports Window 7, VISTA, Windows 2008, Windows XP PRO, Windows Server 2003, Linux
  • Share one PC with up to 30 users.
  • Video, audio,  mouse, Keyboard, barcode scanner, high resolutions, etc
  • Extensive compatibility, free to maintain (you just maintain the server), high security (all data on the host PC), energy efficiency, low noise work place (few PCs), zero interference among users.


SynQ  – N9,900

SynQ Pro – N13,900

Refer Customers and Get 10-20% Commissions – Business Gets Better



All services and products in our brochure are covered in the FPS.


Some of our generic proposals are here. You can use them to develop markets. And if you need a customized one, contact us!


Considering a job opportunity or more income? Now, you have found one! Fasmicro has introduced Fasmicro Partnership Scheme (FPS) that enables our nationwide partners to tap into the amazing opportunities our company provides.


Through this program, Fasmicro pays up to 20% to partners when they bring jobs to us. Potential partners will sign our partnership document. As they execute and bring jobs, they will climb the partnership levels.


This scheme is open to anyone – company or individual.

How it works


1. You will register with us as a partner – free
2. Sign agreement to abide by our FPS rules
3. Refer jobs to us and earn commission from 5% – 20%

We have Four Categories of Partnership


1. LEVEL 1  1st level when you join us) : 5% in all jobs referred
2. LEVEL 2  Refer 5 jobs to move to level 2) 10% in all jobs
3. LEVEL 3  Refer 5 Partners and 5 Jobs) 15% in all jobs.
4. LEVEL 4  At least 2 partners from you gets to level 3) 20% in all jobs.

Download the documents here (pdf) (word) or visit FPS site



You will be among our contacts in your locality. This applies to all parts of Nigeria.


What We Do

We have the following products and services. Notice that we train on Android, embedded systems and web design services and we have an innovative ICT Division. From recruiting people for our training to getting web design customers, from microelectronics center design customers to Android app customers, from software development to consulting services, ete, etc, you have more opportunities to profit with the experts.


Email info@fasmicro.com to indicate your interest in this program.  And visit fps.fasmicro.net to register and start earning.