After examining the trends in Nigeria’s telecommunications practice and operations, the Global System for Mobile telephony Association (GSMA), has said that the country can scoop about N862 billion in Gross Domestic Product (GDP) by the end of 2015, from technology alone if it plays according to the rules of the game.
The association’s Special Government Advisor, Ross Bateson in a media briefly stated ‘it is essential that the new Nigerian government acts quickly to support Mobile Broadband expansion, as failure to do so could hinder the country’s social and economic growth. Not only could the country realise as much as NGN862 billion of incremental GDP, but people of all ages and livelihoods would benefit from the vast amount of information and opportunities Mobile Broadband can unlock.”
He also noted that “mobile is the most cost-effective way of delivering broadband services in Nigeria. Nigeria already has advanced mobile networks, such as Glo’s recently launched LTE network, and has experienced significant take-up of HSPA Mobile Broadband. The laying of submarine data cables between Lagos and Europe has provided much of the international backhaul needed, but mobile is vital in providing last mile connectivity to consumers, especially in rural areas. However, without proper spectrum allocation in line with internationally harmonised band plans and broader government support, it will not be possible to realise the full potential of Mobile Broadband.”
Nigeria government despite all the efforts could not get Nigeria into the 100 out of 138 according to a recent document from the World Economic Forum that ranked the country 104 out of 138.