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President Goodluck Jonathan– Fire your webmaster, a Nigerian company deserves that Job


First, I am not a politician or an agent of one. I am just a free man loving my country and asking for change in my own way.

Dr.  Goodluck Jonathan is the leader of Nigeria and who wants to give young Nigerians jobs. He is a good man. A nice man!  A really smart person! A teacher! He is honest. He is a great man. He has earned all he is today. I am happy to call him my President. In my house, I have his photo. In my office, I have the flag of the nation he vowed to defend. Mr. President. My Commander in Chief, I salute you. I like him. I even want to work for you because you are always happy and who will not!

But in one major way, he annoys me. I have asked his campaign managers that our president cannot outsource his website design when there are many young folks doing same in Lagos, Abuja, Uyo, Kano, etc. Those guys just refuse to listen. I do not know why?

Why must everything be foreign? Even a website! What is so big about it that a Nigerian company cannot do it?  Do not tell me that it is owned by a Nigerian living in UK. Who cares? Until the company pays taxes in Nigeria, he has no company in Nigeria. Of course, I do not know the owner of the company and I do not care. It is the President I am writing here.

Mr President, Fasmicro.com can do it free if the British guys did it free. I guess you gave them the job because maybe they are offering it free. We will match them.  We can host it free at Fashostit.com if you need that help. It is not a great idea to give that to a foreign firm when there are boys that can get a job doing that.

I write this will all respect to your office and with total support of your office, but I hate to visit that site and be reminded that none of the Nigerian firms is fit enough to do that site. This site you are reading this blog, tekedia.com, was built within three hours by a graduate of your nation. It took him two hours and another one hour to get the logo and all things done.  There is nothing in making websites.  The boys are everywhere in Lagos!

We need support Mr President. Nigerian companies need support. For how long with our doctors treat the patients that cannot pay while the rich ones go to America and France for checkups. I see them all the time – thank God for them. But we need a future and this election must change that. We believe you and please let us think Nigeria.

They get the best dress in Fifth Avenue – the Aba tailors are not good.  Who said so? All those Saks or whatever are just humans. They started low and with support our guys can do well. We need to feel Nigeria in many more ways, Mr President.

But for all, we need the President to fire his webmaster today and give that contract to a Nigerian company. That is how to show you care to create jobs. A New Jersey mayor was criticized because he shopped for a shirt outside the state. Why? The citizens felt buying in New Jersey could create jobs at home.  I agree, that one is extreme.  My President dresses well in his native attire and it is always great to watch.

Many of us that have invested and hired graduates are just trying to help the nation. If we stay here in our cozy homes in America, you will blame us that we are not thinking home. But when we bring the skills home, I will hate for you to start pursuing UK for a simple campaign website. Ask me, I will send 20 companies in Lagos that can do that job – even better.

Again, I salute and wish all the very best in LIFE to you. You are my President. Do not be offended in any way. I am just from the academia where we are free to express opinions and I hope you understand my point. God bless you and the Nation you lead.

Remember,  if Obama does this and gives his campaign site to someone in Canada, he will lose his election! Of course, you are not Obama, but I know you have got him on your side. So you share a vision. Just inferring that some leaders think alike! Get that site home and one graduate could get a full-time job. That is how we should do it!

You cannot outsource the platform through which you are making a promise to Nigeria. Your website is your campaign office – it is the other ‘workplace’. It is your virtual land and today, it is in ‘United Kingdom’ and I am sure you want it to be in Nigeria.


M-PESA deals with Western Union


Western Union recently announced that consumers will be able to send money directly to the mobile “wallets” of Safaricom M-PESA subscribers in Kenya. This is the first service of its kind in the world and will be available from 45 countries and territories. From Western Union website

M-PESA is a service that allows you to transfer money using a mobile phone. Kenya is the first country in the world to use this service, which is offered by mobile operators Safaricom and Vodafone. M-PESA is available to all Safaricom subscribers (Prepay and Postpay), even if they do not have a bank account. Registration is FREE and available at any M-PESA Agent in Kenya. The M-PESA application is installed on your SIM card and works on all handset models.

Nigeria Tech News Summary – April 05, 2011


West African Aluminum Products Plc that purchased NECOM House where NITEL SAT-3 Station is situated has asked NITEL to vacate or pay annual rent of N961m on the property. But NITEL is fighting that due process was not followed in selling the property.


Panabiz International has introduced Canon’s latest Image Runner Advance, IRA, series of heavy duty photocopiers which will help to ensure advanced documents workflow and productivity in offices in Nigeria.


About 200 students from secondary schools across Lagos State participated in the just concluded Nigerian Digital Sense Africa forum held in Lagos last week. The school leavers have been tasked to seek self-employment through software writing, incubation, and development – the 21st century holds a lot of opportunities in this area.


The Nigerian Communications Commission has said in Abuja that it is ready to partner with the Institute of Software Practitioners of Nigeria, ISPON, in the establishment of the national working group on telecommunications software services transactions and billing systems.


The Federal Government has named former Science and Technology Minister, Prof. Turner Isoun as the Chairman of Nigerian Communications Satellite, NigComSat Limited Board.


Networking and technology company, Cisco has enrolled at least its 1 millionth concurrent student for its corporate social responsibility program, the Cisco Networking Academy. A pioneering example of cloud-based education delivery, the Networking Academy teaches students how to design, build, troubleshoot, and secure computer networks for increased access to career and economic opportunities in communities around the world.


In appreciation of the contributions of its dealers and partners across the country to the successes and growth of its business in 2010, Samsung Mobile last week, in a ceremonial atmosphere, feted its dealers to hobnob with them on issues of mutual benefit.

The Minister of Science and Technology Prof. Mohammed Abubakar last week at the 2nd scientific briefing on the utilization of research and development, R&D, listed about 72 products, developed by its parastatals for commercialization to improve standard of living of the people.


A new report at the 11th edition of International Telecommunication Union’s, (ITU) flagship ICT regulatory report, Trends in Telecommunication Reform has revealed that effective ICT regulation is critical to all economic growth. It noted that access to mobile networks is now available to 90% of the world’s population overall. Of people living in rural areas, 80% now have mobile cellular coverage. Similarly, titans of Tech lectures conclude that effective regulation in the nation can check cyber crime.


Samsung Mobile last week advanced its fight with Apple, on who stays at the top of the growing Nigerian tab market. This is as it partnered with Nigeria’s leading telecommunications operator, MTN to load some of its phones, including the Samsung Galaxy tab with exclusive MTN bundle offers .


The global software giant, Microsoft Corp, Tuesday, announced the launch of the latest version of the world’s most-used browser, Internet Explorer 9 in 40 languages around the world, including English, French, and Portuguese for Africa


Institute of Software Practitioners of Nigeria, ISPON has alerted the nation on the poor interest in locally developed software.


Premier private submarine network cable company in West Africa, Main One cables has announced Cisco’s “Internet Protocol Next- Generation Network” (IP-NGN) as its choice solution to take its broadband capacity in West Africa to the next level.



Sources: Punch, Guardian, Thisday, Sun, Vanguard, TechLoy

Apple Development Index – Nigeria ranks 142


The news is again. Apple is going to release iPhone 5. The developed world is abuzz with all the hypes that herald Apple products.  Yet, Apple has not said much. The CEO is on medical leave. Earthquake has possibly affected the supply chains from its Japanese OEMs.  Nevertheless, the rumors are everywhere, the king of gadgets are going to do it again.

But one thing is certain. Apple product release is a barometer to ascertain the standard of living of any nation. The excitements are in US, Korea, Canada, Western Europe, and other developed parts of the world. Their college students and citizens will spend hundreds of dollars or equivalents to pick a piece of packaged silicon and etched polymers. In the developing world, Apple is far from the mind.  Why? The students and citizens are very excited but the wage structure does not allow that level of societal energy to show in the stores.

Simply, people can be interested on these devices, but most times, the economics will decide what one gets. We wish that Nigeria will move much quicker in the development index so that when iPhone 15 is out, young men and women can make the buzz a reality in stores. It simply shows that people have got lesser worries than to join the Apple cult.  And when a nation joins that, that nation has got many things right. That is what we call Apple Development Index – the more a country develops, the more it cares to track Apple products and press releases. U.S. seats in the top ten of the Index, while Nigeria is #142; but in 2020 – that wonder year – we will bulldoze our way into #20 and knock out many other nations. We have got a lot to be positive about. Because it is in the law.

iPhone  – could you help us to create urgency to move our citizens out of mass poverty. We want to buy you and get excited when your news makes it in the blogosphere – in 2020.


Nigerian Developers – Fasmicro says Focus on Android Platform


In the last few weeks, Fasmicro (tekedia is a division of Fasmicro) has received emails from potential customers asking us if we could do developments on iOS and Blackberry platforms which are respectively Apple and Blackberry mobile operating systems. (We are yet to get calls on Windows Mobile. Of course Symbian is now history). We politely told them that we have built capacity in Android and we do not want to expand into these platforms. As the foremost Android trainer in Owerri and perhaps the whole of Eastern Nigeria, we have a regular base of customers to serve from universities, freelance and corporate institutions; we have started first and could define the roadmap. We understand that Blackberry is popular today in Nigeria, but Android will eclipse it within the next few months.

Now, you are a young graduate or a freelance who wants to get into the App business. You want to know what platform to build. We have a direction and suggestion. And these are some reasons why you should focus on Android development in Nigeria.


It is already penetrating into the schools. For universities we have provided trainings and training right now like Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria and Federal University of Technology Owerri, we have made a mark that their preferred choice of mobility computing is Android.  We made the decision and they are adapting their curricula into the platform. We are so confident that these students upon graduation will possibly decide to concentrate on Android platforms. So the people you will hire are already trained on Android. Why bother with another platform?


Another reason has to do with market. Apple and Blackberry are premium. Nigeria may not need them at the lower class of the market. Sure, the bank CEOs and corporate titans can afford them, but the regular Aba trader and Ibadan driver may prefer something cheaper. Android provides that platform for affordable mobile systems. Our studies before we made Ovim tablet (with our partner, Microscale) show that the future of smartphone and tablet in Nigeria lies in the mass market and not serving the 2% richest Nigerians as NITEL did for decades.  Android gadgets are more affordable simply because you do not have to pay for any software – it is free by default. So the equipment manufactures and chipset makers are free from those contracts that, for example Windows Mobile, will tie your hands.

Android Market Share

In the next 6 months, the number of Android devices in Nigeria will eclipse all the Apple and Blackberry combined. Our studies show that customers MTN will make this possible with its advertising power and brand. Etisalat did not make much impact with Galaxy Tab because of the cost. Even myPad from Starcomms is built on Android. Of course, Fasmicro and Microscale new Ovim Plus and Ovim MiE are all Android devices. Encipher Inye and Inye 2 are also Android. They will compete against the high premium Blackberry and will surely win. The notion that iPad can do well in Nigeria is not supported by any data. It is expensive and that brand is not structured for the Nigerian market.

Globally, Apple has more users but Android ships more phones every day than any other OS, currently. We project that Android will take a very commanding lead in the mobile ecosystem after Dec 2011. In Nigeria, Android has a potential to get to 70% of the market with Glo selling Galaxy when MTN, Etisalat and Starcomms have aligned in that direction. If you want to make money developing, focus on Android – you will have more users and market globally and locally.


Android is not tied to any hardware maker or original equipment manufacturer (OEM). This makes it very great. Blackberry could lose appeal if its hardware fails to wow consumers. Same applies to Apple. But for Android, there are legions working on it. One fails, others will succeed and you are sure of users for your Apps.

Android Open Source

This platform is free from all those difficult clauses that stymie innovations and speed for OEM. All you need is buy a chipset, download the OS and you can get a tablet or phone out in two weeks. Mediatek has made things very easy (Fasmicro and Microscale use Mediatek for our tablets) – you just focus on manufacturing after configuring the chipset. The good aspect is that with good electricity in Nigeria, one can buy the chipsets and make phones and tablets in Nigeria easily. Fasmicro and Microscale are moving to ARM based chipsets to ensure we can support and upgrade easily later.

This kind of neutrality makes the future of Android promising. No player will like to kick others out and let the phone companies focus on ergonomics and design while the software is handled by the global legion. That is a place to be over being restricted to an OS that is developed maybe by few guys in one giant building in California or Canada. Innovation lives here and it can easily improve faster than other OS.

Android Apps Distribution

Got a good app, you can have it in the Android market within days for just a small fee. Apple will ask for 4x of that and you will still wait for weeks.


Why the world has to wait for few special days in the year for Apple to release new devices, Android does that every day in China and across the globe. This makes the evolution of Android fluidic and deeper than others.


Android is Java and Linux – two great platforms for developments. You might have known Java and going into Android is a piece of cake. Java is matured and the guy that built it is just going to Google now. There is no information you cannot find online for Java – the books are there, the tutorials, the demos, etc.  And when it is time to say bye to Android, you take your Java skill to other areas. But for Apple, you are stuck with Objective C which Apple invented and you may not get much help.

Our recommendations

If you are a young developer that wants to start developing Apps, now is the time to make a decision. Use Android as your platform. It is better and will surely succeed in Nigeria. Fasmicro is running a free training now on Android App development. Due to demand, we will do the same next week and we welcome you to attend. We were rated Excellent by all our trainees and we are confident you will find our training to be world class. We have a founder who is a first rate engineer and professor and has built a team and teaching structure that delight our customers.

Fasmicro Android Development & Training Center

Owerri, Imo State, Nigeria