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Know The Election Citizens Tools: ReclaimNaija – Nigeria’s Crowdsourcing Tool Built on Kenyan Ushahidi


Website: http://reclaimnaija.net/

This site provides some nice information likes dates about this 2011 election

The Developers:

ReclaimNaija is a broad based national platform for popular, grassroots engagement in promoting electoral transparency and democratic government. The platform brings together a vast network of grassroots organisations across the country comprising mostly informal sector workers and trade-based-groups such as associations of mechanics, carpenters, vulcanisers, welders, okada riders and owners, market women and men, electricians, tailors, hairdressers, community development associations, activists, patriotic professionals, civil society and faith-based organisations.


Implemented upon Kenyan Ushahidi


Assists Nigerian citizens participate in the election by reporting fraud and also voting


SMS to 08166662222 or08096662221 or08120006622

Email info@reclaimnaija.net

Tweet #NigeriaDecides and/or #reclaimnaija

Call 07006662222

Completing the form on their site

Get some instructions here before you start using, if possible

“Semiconductor Industry Association of Nigeria” President Shares His Vision for 2011


Mr. Onyema Felix Akubueze  – the co-founder and the Chief Operating Officer/CEO of PAWAAK Technologies Ltd is the Founding President of  Semiconductor Industry Association of Nigeria. He is very happy to share his vision to everyone while SIAN website is being developed. You will read from the Board Chair in coming days.


1. To inspire all the stakeholders to have a collective effort for the development of Semiconductor and Allied smart devices in Nigeria.


2. To collaborate with the Executives and Members of SIAN to sensitive the Government on the need to support the growth of Semiconductor Design, manufacturing, supply, control and utilization in Nigeria and thereby helping the Government to earn or generate huge revenue that will enhance the growth of the Nigerian economy like in the USA and Asia whose economies are being boosted by the exports & proceeds from semiconductor systems.


3. To work with the SIAN Excos and put up a strategy that will help us to get all the necessary legislation that will empower SIAN’s operation in Nigeria through enabling laws and bills by the National Assembly.


4.To assist in sensitizing universities and other Tertiary Institutions offering Electronics Engineering courses the need to provide a solid foundation for the Electronic Engineering Students to face the 21st century challenges in Semiconductor Products designs, manufacturing, distribution and support in a large scale for the emerging Smart devices utilizations in Electronic  world development.


5. To create an enabling environment for investors in Nigeria to invest in Semiconductor Industry for high Return on Investment (ROI) both in shut and long run term and  benefits/rewards.


6. To create enabling environments to Electronic and software Engineering students for adequate placements and Industrial Training that will enhance their studies in this area of specialization and their subsequent contribution to the advancement and growth of Semiconductor systems, job creations and Economic growth in Nigeria.


7. To use the contacts of Semiconductor Industry Association of Nigeria to create jobs in Nigeria and abroad for Nigerians in this sector.


8. To develop and create an enabling environment for SIAN, Nigeria to compete favorably with our foreign counterparts in semiconductor design, manufacturing, etc.


9. To encourage policies and regulations that will trigger innovation, propel business and drive international competition in order to maintain a thriving semiconductor industry in Nigeria.


10. To ensure that we work hand in hand with the World Semiconductor Council (WSC) to  undertake voluntary services in  environmental, health and safety activities as well as to be Eco-friendly to our host communities.


11. To work with the Executives and committee (where and when necessary) to generate a road map /development plan in phases for Semi conductor growth in Nigeria.

“The Future is Mobile” – IEEE Presentation at The Polytechnic Nekede, Owerri


Last month, the engineering team of Fasmicro made a presentation titled, “The Future is Mobile”, at IEEE Student Section of The Polytechnic Nekede, Owerri, Nigeria. Among other things, they explained how they believe that more businesses will be offering services in the mobile ecosystem.

Fasmicro engineers used the opportunity to explain how educating the next generation of Nigeria’s technical students in mobility computing could be strategic in the nation’s readiness for the evolving mobile business opportunity.

Fasmicro is using the opportunity to reach out to other schools in the nation to take advantage of our campus team. Out team comprises of developers and engineers who are bringing products to the market.  They bring core skills and with the resources available they can help any university or polytechnic deploy the right tools to educate its students.

If you have any event on campus with photos, please email with report to tekedia@fasmicro.com. We will publish them. Thank you.

African Business is Very Profitable – Zinox Chairman Tells Harvard Business School Students


The Chairman of Zinox Technologies Limited, Mr Leo Stan Ekeh, in February delivered the keynote speech in Harvard Business School African Business Conference. I was one of the panelists and participated in a panel focusing on bridging the African technical knowledge gap. Recently, Nigerians have been occupying these prestigious business pulpits. Tony Elumelu delivered the keynote for Wharton Business School counterparts. And just last week, Dr. Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala did the same for MIT Sloan students.


Leo was at his best (sorry, this article is coming late). He explained the impact of politics in African business and how one must be toughened to succeed in Africa’s business ecosystem.  According to him, most times, the best does not win. The mediocre can have a field day.  Politics is business and in Africa, it affects everything.


He explained how he built Zinox and how he began to win market share to become a dominant force in Nigeria’s computing education sub-sector. Pursuing innovation and quality was one of the hallmarks of his vision. He once delayed the release of one of the products because Intel – the processor supplier had not certified the system. He wanted to get everything right.


The best part of his talk was how he saved Nigeria electoral body and made some really good money out of it (Leo, you want this part out!).  He explained that he was prepared to lead and serve by building competence and developing his human capital. As the students asked him questions on how he hired and retained his top talents, he explained that he lost some to IBM, but recently he is also stealing talents from IBM. His mantra is develop talents and he does it very well.


According to him, Africa can develop if the governments could subsidize computers and make broadband available. He stated that Africa is not harnessing all its capabilities. And the issues of electricity, poor credit facilities, policy changes, manpower shortage, poor quality of governance are issues that must be solved if Africa hopes to command technical respect in the community of nations.


The key interesting aspect of the talk was the delivery. He was full of life and exuberance and was visibly happy to share experiences of business life with these future captains of Africa’s commerce. He explained that even in the midst of all Africa’s problems, there is a gold mine in African commerce. One can even turn all these problems into opportunities. Driven by patriotism and entrepreneurial energy, his likes could compete with any player in the world because of the knowledge of the local market.


The title of his talk was “Building of a True Indigenous African Institution – The Zinox Experience”.  I enjoyed it especially when he explained his efforts on philanthropy. Some of the key facts about Zinox from his talks are:


–          Oct 12, 2001, Zinox helped in Nigeria’s national identity project. It has become Zinox for Nigeria as  HP is for the U.S.A, Lenovo for China, Acer for Taiwan, and Mercer for South Africa.

–          Zinox salvaged Nigeria voters’ registration project by delivering 11,5000 DDC machines in 14 days in 2006

–          He repeated the same in 2011 within 35 days for 80,000 units. .

–          Interesting, he provided, free, 74 engineers to help INEC of Nigeria.


As a business man, he has found success. But that dwarfs his philanthropy. There, I got that he had concessions of no compete clause in some universities in Nigeria where only his company could provide some ICT services. My alma mater, Federal University of Technology Owerri, was one of those. Was I happy that such a thing happened? Yes because he may need that monopoly to invest and No because it prevented me from getting Cisco to help my school in  a project in 2008.


Mr. Ekeh is indeed a very successful man. He is a symbol of hope in Nigeria. From supporting All Africa Games, COJA, and Commonwealth Heads of Meeting to sharing his experiences, there is nothing not to like in this African. As he concluded his talk, I felt the man wished that all the students could follow him to Lagos so that he could teach them business.


He made one joke that I missed. A friend distracted me.  It was about mechanics and one analogy using them. He said that in Nigeria, mechanics repair cars without manuals whereas in America they must use manuals. He extended that idea by pointing out that legal issues make people to be more careful while doing business in the Western World.  There was really a good laugh after that. I missed the build of that point,


Tony Elumelu concluded, “If I can do it, you too can”; Mr. Ekeh was like “you have got the best education and you cannot afford to fail”. Of course, I met Leo when he was done and we chatted afterward.



Photo: Leo and Dr Ekekwe

Nigeria Election 2011: Anyone Tracking the Apps Downloads? Let Us Know


After the earthquake, many Japanese downloaded survival Apps on their iPhones and other smartphones. One iPhone App, Medical Encyclopedia for Home Use was #1 in the free App category in Japan. The company that tracks all these Apps, PositionApp, is not yet in Nigeria. Too bad!

Good for Nigeria, we do not have to worry about Yurekuru Call App that moved from #94 to #2 simply because it is a quake warning device.  With a new quake in Japan yesterday, one hopes that these survival Apps helped Japanese.  One thing is proven. Big events affect how people download and use Apps. These days in Japan, survival Apps are doing great.

As Nigerians go to polls tomorrow, tekedia will like to know the statistics. Are people downloading Apps? What is the pattern? This could be hard to find since without locally inspired Apps, we may not bother over election Apps.  Most of the Apps in iPhone are still foreign inspired and may not have relevance in Nigeria. There is an opportunity there in Nigeria to build Apps that have local value.  But all and all, if you have figured out how to track Apps download in Nigeria, please let tekedia know. This will include capturing the ones in the Apps Store like Android, iPhone and the locally hosted ones in the Apps websites.