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Can Humans become Immortal?


It is October 1 2080; Ken’s parents have just renewed their marriage contract which expires every five years. This is the seventh time. Everyone is happy and they have reasons.

Two years ago, Ken was hospitalized for a severe fracture of the spinal cord. He had an accident and many thought he would never walk again. But thanks to experts in the state’s general hospital, his locomotion was restored through an electronic implant. They have used CPG (central pattern generators) implants to reactivate his motors.

For a young man who at youth joined a faith movement that considered implants immoral and unethical, it has been a long journey. He preached against it and even atoned to die to defend the sanctity of life by preventing human defilement caused by implants. He has reasoned along with the adherents of the faith that implants challenged the creative power of the deity.

But one afternoon while visiting his parents from college, he saw a boy he knew to be blind and deaf seeing and hearing. The joy, the hope and the energy from this boy and his parents enveloped him. The boy had gotten retina and cochlea implants. Ever since, Ken decided to become a neuromorphic engineer-a designer of implants.

Generally, technology takes time to penetrate and be accepted by the population. And in our contemporary society, the resistance to a new one like implants is expected. Unfortunately, that inertia to acceptability goes beyond safety and reliability concerns to morality and religiosity. But over time, the barriers usually crack and the technology is accepted. It could be inorganic food, medical MRI, medical robots, among others; attitudes change over time regarding innovations.

In the past, body enhancements for face and breast were despised until people began to appreciate how accident victims were remade by the technologies. Increasingly, in most societies, it is normal that people may want to improve their outlooks. Similarly for implants, some view that it is normal that someone could decide to hear better, see better and walk better. The issues of morality become blurred because man by nature wants to have a better quality of life. Why remain blind when there is a technology that can help you see?

Unfortunately, bionics touches a very potent area in religion because of apocryphal misinformation by some zealots. They say that implants are designed-ready for the biblical rule where doomed men will receive the mark of beast, ‘666’, in the reign of the anti-Christ as is documented in the book of Revelation. By avoiding implants, one inherently avoids readiness for this mark.

The reality is that the design of retina and cochlea all follow the typical processes used in making the microchips that power our cellphones and computers, except that quality controls are tighter because of their critical functions. As normal is the chip in the cellphone is the biochip in the implant.

We have been transformed by the phenomenal powers of microelectronics that opened the pathway to design tools that can restore vision, locomotion, among others; yet, many still cling on dogmas, denying themselves life-saving solutions. But with time, implants will be welcomed by the whole humanity and man will become mostly bionics. Moreso, as nanotechnology matures, we will see better implants with higher efficiency and lower cost as scientists take advantage of the migration from the classical Newtonian physics to quantum mechanics that provides more affinity to biology at sub-atomic level. Technology will triumph over dogmas with multiple ‘home-runs’.

Why? While it is easy to ignore vision implants on faith crusades, most will overcome personal beliefs to have their visions back through them. And if terrorists continue to ravage the world, governments may require implants in some troubled regions of the world to help save captives. In the near future, it is possible that military personnel will be bionics.

The human instinct to survival will continue to open opportunities for science to push further. As understanding of human biology improves, more efficient breeds of implants that seamlessly capture the event driven asynchronous parallelism of the nervous system will emerge. Will that be a path to attain that holy grail of human immortality? Can humanity in 20000 years today shop for bio-grade artificial brains on the Internet? In essence, this can go beyond body parts like retina, cochlea to all body. Simply put: can man electronically create biological quality human in the far future?


Possibly, this trend will be gradual that generations will experience techno-acculturation of gradual metamorphosis of Homo sapiens to bionics. It is very interesting that people are concerned about bionics when our present computing paradigm is simply a primitive system when compared to the way nature computes. There is going to be a quantum leap in bionics when spiking communication matures so that machine and nature could talk under a similar protocol.

In our time without looking deep into the future, man will be ready for bionics as more needs emerge for them. Our doctors will prescribe drugs that will take photos of our internal tissues and when needed reprogram them while inside us. To save us time, the drugs could be assigned Internet IPs so that irrespective of our location, out doctors can still help us. In other words, it is not just bionics, but man becoming an Internet node. Will this be welcomed? It all depends on the need for survival and life.

Our society will welcome implants as they mature and the health benefits well explained. The acceptance will positively correlate with the advancement. And as the buzz over the green tech fades in few decades, bionics will take central stage. But if society rejects bionics, the entertainment industry will help us break that barrier. When top golfers get new retinas for better vision on the course, we will hail them. And when we understand how those precisions come, the world will accept the inevitable outcome: the Homo sapiens will evolve to bionics.

Founders Series: Ahmad Mukoshy – Techpreneur and Creator of Yarnable


Founders Series interviews Founders every Monday. Visit this page every Monday for the next entrepreneurial or business star.

Today, Tekedia interviews a very bright and young Nigerian techpreneur, Ahmad Mukoshy.  At the young age of 21 years, he has done some really remarkable things. He has built companies and most especially helping companies in the Northern part of Nigeria get on the web. His hosting company has provided a very local alternative to the foreign behemoths. His writings are clean and he has a vision – yes, he wants to build Nigeria’s GoDaddy. Ahmad is just one of those young Nigerians that make every one of us beam with hope and optimism.

In 2009, Fasmicro Founder, Prof (Dr) Ndubuisi Ekekwe, spent a week teaching in Usman Danfodiyo University on the invitation of the University Vice Chancellor. He told us that he did not meet Ahmad, but one of the professors mentioned a “bright young man on this campus that does web hosting and IT” when he was discussing a plan for a project. Yet, he explained that there were many smart boys in Usman Danfodiyo University – one built a solar cell and was on his way to Malaysia on a scholarship.  As we go through the reports Dr Ekekwe made on this university, we noticed one thing – Nigeria is overly fixated on Lagos guys while other young men in other parts of the country are not noticed. With the Sokoto Energy Center on campus, he said that he saw students that could help power their homes, with green tech, if there is proper support and funding.

So, today, Tekedia presents Ahmad Mukoshy – the young man that built a web hosting firm at 17 years in Sokoto and just recently sold one of his companies for profits.

– Tell us your name and background

My name is Ahmad Mukoshy, I am 21 years now, born and brought up in Sokoto, Nigeria. I just graduated from Usmanu Danfodiyo University, where I studied B.Sc (Hons) in Physics. A rundown of my professional bio is as follows:

First, I am the the founder of Aimtech Comm. Limited; A multidimensional web hosting company providing on-demand shared hosting in Nigeria since 2007, which as of today is empowering over 500 web site owners in Nigeria.

Early 2009, I built NairaParking; The first Nigerian domain market place allowing users to list their domain names for sell just like in Sedo. But later in 2010 I shut it down with less than 20 domain names listed for sale because i understood that Nigeria was not yet ripe enough for bulk domain transaction, so I had to to move on with other things.

In mid 2009 i joined a network of web developers and entrepreneurs to building a social site called NaijaBorn. Though I was mostly in-active in the team, it became a learning phase for me on how to work in a team. Naija Born is a site that showcase proud Nigerians living in Nigeria and Diaspora. NaijaBorn is an SYS Africa projected owned by Qubestreet Entertainments and Afrovision Group.

I quit NaijaBorn in the same year, 2009 to start my own social network for my university colleagues called Danfodites which grew to over 1,000 users until it got invaded by spammers in mid 2010. I had to shut it down too, due to my final year exams and mostly because it was distracting me from my studies and i could not get someone to handle it for me. So, mounted on a Facebook group which is still being patronized by the students and gathering momentum.

Back in January last year, I built yrn.me, a nifty 5-letter URL shortner just like bit.ly in one week which is still in constant usage by over a hundred users. Just a month after yrn.me, I built Yarnable.com, a micro-discussion site allowing users to yarn on topics that matters to them in 140 characters or less which became my first venture acquired by a company.

I also built Edugeria in 2010, a blog focusing on education in Nigeria, where I was hoping to host writers from all Nigerian Universities where I started with Usmanu Danfodiyo University and University of Maiduguri with volunteered writers, it was a moment of success but I also took it off in less than 6months of operation due to financial and administrative demands.

But now, I am cutting down the rate at which I build startups to concentrate on building successful startups rather than so many closed startups. So, at present I only work on Aimtech Hosting and Yrn.Me.

– Introduce us to your company, products and services

My company name is Aimtech Comm. Limited, registered with corporate affairs commission, providing domain registration, web development, web hosting and general technology services in the area of communication and internet. Some of my products includes the URL shortner, yrn.me and the micro-discussion site, yarnable.com which I sold to mobiQube Nigeria Limited based in Abuja this year.

– Tell us the challenges your business is facing

Because I run my business while in school, it wasn’t easy managing the two. That was my biggest challenge, balancing grades and revenue! Some of my other challenges also include inadequate power and internet access.

– Share with us how you are mitigating those challenges

When I was in school, I set time for my studies in which I stay away from computers and also use the night to do some of my work.

– Your message to other founders and entrepreneurs

My message to all founders and entrepreneurs is that persistence is the key, it is always good to remember the saying, quitters never win and winners never quit. The truth is every successful person once had challenges; they succeeded because they didn’t quit. So, keep doing what you do best and time is the judge.

– Should you become a LGA chair, Governor or President, tell us how you will make technology to flourish in your country

I will surely do my best to ensure electricity flows 24hr 7days and I will provide internet connection to youth and build entrepreneurial forums to encourage youth in building more startups.

– Tell us how people can reach you online

Mostly, I communicate on twitter with the handle @mukoshy and I am also on Facebook . For people interest in reading my writeup, I blog timely on my site.

Founders Series: Ahmad Mukoshy – Techpreneur and Creator of Yarnable


Founders Series interviews Founders every Monday. Visit this page every Monday for the next entrepreneurial or business star.

Today, Tekedia interviews a very bright and young Nigerian techpreneur, Ahmad Mukoshy.  At the young age of 21 years, he has done some really remarkable things. He has built companies and most especially helping companies in the Northern part of Nigeria get on the web. His hosting company has provided a very local alternative to the foreign behemoths. His writings are clean and he has a vision – yes, he wants to build Nigeria’s GoDaddy. Ahmad is just one of those young Nigerians that make every one of us beam with hope and optimism.

In 2009, Fasmicro Founder, Prof (Dr) Ndubuisi Ekekwe, spent a week teaching in Usman Danfodiyo University on the invitation of the University Vice Chancellor. He told us that he did not meet Ahmad, but one of the professors mentioned a “bright young man on this campus that does web hosting and IT” when he was discussing a plan for a project. Yet, he explained that there were many smart boys in Usman Danfodiyo University – one built a solar cell and was on his way to Malaysia on a scholarship.  As we go through the reports Dr Ekekwe made on this university, we noticed one thing – Nigeria is overly fixated on Lagos guys while other young men in other parts of the country are not noticed. With the Sokoto Energy Center on campus, he said that he saw students that could help power their homes, with green tech, if there is proper support and funding.

So, today, Tekedia presents Ahmad Mukoshy – the young man that built a web hosting firm at 17 years in Sokoto and just recently sold one of his companies for profits.

– Tell us your name and background

My name is Ahmad Mukoshy, I am 21 years now, born and brought up in Sokoto, Nigeria. I just graduated from Usmanu Danfodiyo University, where I studied B.Sc (Hons) in Physics. A rundown of my professional bio is as follows:

First, I am the the founder of Aimtech Comm. Limited; A multidimensional web hosting company providing on-demand shared hosting in Nigeria since 2007, which as of today is empowering over 500 web site owners in Nigeria.

Early 2009, I built NairaParking; The first Nigerian domain market place allowing users to list their domain names for sell just like in Sedo. But later in 2010 I shut it down with less than 20 domain names listed for sale because i understood that Nigeria was not yet ripe enough for bulk domain transaction, so I had to to move on with other things.

In mid 2009 i joined a network of web developers and entrepreneurs to building a social site called NaijaBorn. Though I was mostly in-active in the team, it became a learning phase for me on how to work in a team. Naija Born is a site that showcase proud Nigerians living in Nigeria and Diaspora. NaijaBorn is an SYS Africa projected owned by Qubestreet Entertainments and Afrovision Group.

I quit NaijaBorn in the same year, 2009 to start my own social network for my university colleagues called Danfodites which grew to over 1,000 users until it got invaded by spammers in mid 2010. I had to shut it down too, due to my final year exams and mostly because it was distracting me from my studies and i could not get someone to handle it for me. So, mounted on a Facebook group which is still being patronized by the students and gathering momentum.

Back in January last year, I built yrn.me, a nifty 5-letter URL shortner just like bit.ly in one week which is still in constant usage by over a hundred users. Just a month after yrn.me, I built Yarnable.com, a micro-discussion site allowing users to yarn on topics that matters to them in 140 characters or less which became my first venture acquired by a company.

I also built Edugeria in 2010, a blog focusing on education in Nigeria, where I was hoping to host writers from all Nigerian Universities where I started with Usmanu Danfodiyo University and University of Maiduguri with volunteered writers, it was a moment of success but I also took it off in less than 6months of operation due to financial and administrative demands.

But now, I am cutting down the rate at which I build startups to concentrate on building successful startups rather than so many closed startups. So, at present I only work on Aimtech Hosting and Yrn.Me.

– Introduce us to your company, products and services

My company name is Aimtech Comm. Limited, registered with corporate affairs commission, providing domain registration, web development, web hosting and general technology services in the area of communication and internet. Some of my products includes the URL shortner, yrn.me and the micro-discussion site, yarnable.com which I sold to mobiQube Nigeria Limited based in Abuja this year.

– Tell us the challenges your business is facing

Because I run my business while in school, it wasn’t easy managing the two. That was my biggest challenge, balancing grades and revenue! Some of my other challenges also include inadequate power and internet access.

– Share with us how you are mitigating those challenges

When I was in school, I set time for my studies in which I stay away from computers and also use the night to do some of my work.

– Your message to other founders and entrepreneurs

My message to all founders and entrepreneurs is that persistence is the key, it is always good to remember the saying, quitters never win and winners never quit. The truth is every successful person once had challenges; they succeeded because they didn’t quit. So, keep doing what you do best and time is the judge.

– Should you become a LGA chair, Governor or President, tell us how you will make technology to flourish in your country

I will surely do my best to ensure electricity flows 24hr 7days and I will provide internet connection to youth and build entrepreneurial forums to encourage youth in building more startups.

– Tell us how people can reach you online

Mostly, I communicate on twitter with the handle @mukoshy and I am also on Facebook . For people interest in reading my writeup, I blog timely on my site.

Toward Africa 2.0


A new dawn is coming to Africa. After decades of aid being the way the U.S. invested in the continent, a new approach seems to be emerging. In the coming weeks, the Africa Investment and Diaspora Act (AIDA), introduced by Congressman Bobby L. Rush, will be presented to Congress. The bill hopes “to advance the mutual interests of the United States and Africa with respect to the promotion of trade and investment and the advancement… More »

Does an Entrepreneur Need a College Degree?


Two points:


PayPal founder (and billionaire) Peter Thiel is offering grants to 20 students under the age of 20, luring them to leave school and become entrepreneurs. He thinks that getting teenagers to start thinking big early will help them become innovators. Rather than take on education debt, Thiel wants these kids to get $100,000 from a mogul and start a business.


In a Bloomberg Businessweek ranking of CEOs of S&P 500 companies, those without college degrees tied with University of California system graduates as running the most businesses. Last month, Stephen Greer asked Does an Entrepreneur Need an MBA? … More >>