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Free Training – Embedded Systems, Android App & Web Design


Fasmicro will run free trainings on Embedded systems, Android Mobile App and Web Design as a way of supporting the development of future technical leaders in the nation. This offer is very limited and it is filling up. It is planned as follows :


April 11-12, 2011: Mobility Computing & Android App Development (see some of our Apps)

April 13-14, 2011: Embedded Systems -FPGA, Microcontroller

April 15, 2011:  Web Design – select from Joomla, Drupal or our FasWebKit

(Election cancellation caused confusions; we are training this week. We also going to train week of April 11-15, 2011)

Venue: Fasmicro Head Office, Okigwe Rd, Owerri, Imo State

Time: 9am – 4pm

Cost:  N49,900

Payment:  Payment into our bank account

Gift. You get one unit of Ovim tablet

Acceptance/Confirmation: All accepted applicants will be confirmed from usa@fasmicro.com. We have few slots and we close when we get the number we need. The key part is proving you have an Android tablet.


Android is an open-source cutting-edge mobile platform that has gained momentum in recent years. Developed by Google based on the Linux kernel and Java, it offers virtually limitless opportunities because of its open-source license. Embedded systems itself is a branch of microelectronics which has revolutionized the world of commerce and industry. This workshop will introduce participants to these core areas of modern technology.

The Android training is a hands-on Android course designed to provide essential skills and experience with developing applications on Android mobile platform. Throughout the course, participants will develop real-life applications, which can serve as basis for their future Android projects. Eclipse and Android SDK are used as the development environment throughout the class.

The embedded systems training is a hands-on embedded systems program designed to impact practical experiences on building with microprocessors and FPGA. Real-life examples on Microchip PIC, Parallax SX and FPGA chips will be taught.

Finally, we will teach participants on how to design websites. Threee courses will run and participants can choose from Joomla, Drupal or our own propriary FasWebKit.


Without the the tablet, Fasmicro will not accept you. We will provide the programming modules, Eclipse and Android SDK dev environments, microprocessors, required CAD tools, FPGA boards, computers, and course materials. All materials are retained by Fasmicro. If you need copies, please visit our store.


This free training is open to the public. We welcome schools planning to develop mobility computing and microelectronics courses in their programs as well as corporate clients that want to train their staff.  For hobbyists, NYSC and students, there is no better opportunity to pick skills that matter. Register Today!

Course Contents (drawn from below)

Modules 1 and 2 Outlines

project outlines

Facilitators: External and in-house team

Contact: Send comments, questions, etc to usa@fasmicro.com

Nigerian Silicon Valley – Ikeja Computer Village?


When last did you visit the Nigeria Silicon Valley(really), albeit the Ikeja Computer Village?  Have you seen any improvement in the quality of the production and knowledge generation?

The truth remains that the Ikeja Computer Village is not producing any major knowledge. It is still dominated by trade and distribution. We think the federal government should examine that cluster and give it a roadmap so that it can develop in the right direction.

From sale of pirated software to phone, Nigeria needs to clear that image that this place could be our hope to develop, creatively, in the digital world. We need something better and now is the time to begin that process.

With the likes of  IT World Limited, , Slot Systems, Gafunk, Tripplesea, Capitol, Brian Integrated Systems,  etc providing employments and other opportunities in this place, we challenge the government to assist ICT firms in this place to take their visions to the next level. A key element is a constant power supply which can help them to invest in the development than mere sales and distribution. Let it be understood that this is a cluster and requires special consideration from government.

But do not be deceived people, the Nigerian Silicon Village is in Obasanjo Space Center, Abuja. You do not expect Computer Village with illiterates to lead Nigeria. Nigerian government is doing something great in Abuja with NiComSat and NASENI and that is what we must refer as our valley.

Jobberman.com is Connecting Employers and Applicants in Nigeria – And They Are Doing It Mostly Free


Jobberman has emerged as a leading internet destination point in Nigeria. They provide great service to thousands of job seekers and employees at absolutely no fee. If you have not discovered this company, please do and pass the message to those graduates that are looking for jobs. Below is from the company’s corporate website: Jobberman.com

At Jobberman, we are building a game-changing company. That means working relentlessly to solving some of the most challenging and pressing problems of unemployment in Nigeria.

We are focused on helping individuals and companies to Get Ahead through our products and service offerings. We are more than an Internet company, we are driven by SERVICE. We are a group of mobile and Internet professionals with an impressive track record. We are a privately-funded company backed by L5Lab and have big plans for the future. In short, we are a startup with global ambitions and a savvy to realize them.

Our work environment is built on big ideas, culture of discipline and a bias for executing every day on a path toward a collective vision.

We are focused on delivering real value and rapidly making improvements to our products and service offerings.

Our Story

The unacceptable high rate of unemployment got us totally perplexed and we decided to do something about it. We set out with a mission to organize, deliver and manage the largest catalog of jobs in Nigeria. Jobberman started out in the Garage-converted-to-Office of Ayodeji Adewunmi’s Dad in August 2009 and has its root at the Obafemi Awolowo University. The original founders were Opeyemi Awoyemi, Olalekan Olude and Ayodeji Adewunmi. We are proud of our rich history, the past has shaped the present and both will launch the future as we become the premier career destination site for active and passive job seekers in Nigeria.


10 Things about our Culture of Entrepreneurship & Caring

  1. We think with both sides of our brains. Innovation is at the heart of why we are in business
  2. We are relentlessly resourceful. We are entrepreneurial. We have started and operated successful businesses and worked on transformational projects in our spare time
  3. We are intellectually curious. We never get bored with learning
  4. We believe Hard problem(s) is good. All Good is hard. We stay away from easy.
  5. We have strong commercial instincts and have an uncanny ability to create superior value for our customers, clients, shareholders, and employees
  6. We enjoy spotting patterns and doing something about it
  7. We work hard, play hard and always interested in more than our work – which makes us interesting!
  8. We listen to the pulse of the market and make changes according. We believe change is the only tradition worth preserving
  9. We are talented and diverse. Our growing team is made up of engineers, computer scientists, professionals and thought leaders
  10. We are in the life transforming business, and we are excited about the opportunities and possibilities therein.

ServiCom takes off in NigComSat


The Nigerian Communications Satellite (NIGCOMSAT) has inaugurated a service compact unit, tagged ServiCom. The unit according to the satellite company was in order to optimize customer-friendly service in line with global best practices.

NIGCOMSAT LTD is a customer-focused organization which prides itself on prompt efficient service delivery.
It is moving with the dynamism of the technology revolution by constantly modernizing the way its operations and services are delivered. It is totally committed to providing support for our clients by providing high-quality, reliable and professional services.

Servicom, according to the organisation, is a program to renew service delivery by government agencies, to all Nigerians.

India Corporate Reputation – Bharti Airtel is #5


India’s leading companies Tata Steel, Tata Motors, Aditya Birla Nuvo, Wipro and Bharti Airtel have been rated as the top five firms, respectively in terms of corporate reputation as per a latest survey by the Nielsen Company. According to Nielsen’s corporate image monitor that measures people’s perception of the image of the country’s leading firms, largest consumer goods firm by sales.

“Wipro, Bharti Airtel and TCS lead the ‘innovators’ in the service sector, while Aditya Birla Nuvo, Tata Motors and RIL, constituted the top three most innovative companies in the product category,” the survey said.

The survey is based on key parameters of corporate reputation including customer service, product quality, financial performance, workplace environment, corporate ethics, vision & leadership, and social responsibility.

The study point out that innovation is an increasingly important element in shaping a company’s reputation.

Bharti Airtel ranked second on the innovation parameter amongst all companies. In 2010, the Wall Street Journal had ranked Bharti Airtel amongst India’s most innovative companies in the Asia 200 Survey.

Bharti Airtel is a leading global telecommunications company with operations in 19 countries across Asia and Africa, including Nigeria.