Dear Sir,
I am writing from Zenvus. We appreciate all the comments about Zenvus Boundary technology. We want to explore if you can help us reach out to NIS. Our proposal is to offer Zenvus Boundary as an additional digital value to the typical outputs licensed surveyors deliver to customers. We do believe that this will add value to NIS customers if you provide them a digital map besides the paper output. This digital map opens opportunities to all kinds of things.
Zenvus Boundary has a property search engine which provides a public record of any property it has ever mapped. This makes it possible that no one can clone the outputs. Each output comes with a unique code which the user can give to partners to search and verify the ownership (at least as stated on the survey). This has made it possible that financial institutions can independently validate our outputs.
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If you plan to use your survey to apply for loan, government verification of property, security, etc and you need the party to check the authenticity in our records, use Zenvus Boundary public search. Use the code on your report (it begins with SB) and check it here (looks like below).

As we maintain, we are not a legal advisor. We are not licensed surveyors. Yet, our services offer huge value in Africa. We make integration possible at scale because our outputs are in digital forms which customers can use for different uses. If you have farm sensors to track moisture, temperature and other pertinent data, Zenvus through its digital integration makes it possible to superimpose all that data on your farmland. And we deliver all these solutions for just $20!
I am seeking an opportunity to partner with NIS and will appreciate if you can make an introduction. We will like to speak in any conference organized by NIS or possible meet the Excos. We want to standardize what we are doing at least for farms and farmlands by working with NIS. We truly believe that this is the future of mapping. Yes, giving people besides paper surveys, digital surveys which they have control on what to do with them.
Some of our enterprise customers use Zenvus Boundary to track farmlands they have invested in Africa. Through our digital maps, the investors rely on global satellites to check how the specific farmland has changed via the vegetation. The cheap maps were produced by the farmers with our low cost solution, making this possible.
As always, we thank NIS for the services to Nigeria. We want to work with all of you to deliver digital surveys with implications for precision agriculture, farm remote monitoring, etc at scale.
Nky Udo
Zenvus / zenvus@fasmicro.com
NIS – Nigerian Institution of Surveyors
-We welcome partnerships with similar institutions across Africa
When I read the post before this one again by your CEO ( https://www.tekedia.com/conversation-with-a-fellow-of-nigerian-institution-of-surveyors-on-zenvus-boundary/) I had a great laugh. I found it hard to marry the customer focused response of NKY UDO the author of this article and also from the same firm with that of the Big Man!
Ndy Uko emails to me was on point trying to make up for the seeming blunders of the boss and showed a better understanding of the issues at stake. I had earlier said I will not comment again. As it was clear that I was trying to squeeze water out a rock and why should I. Zenvus needs Surveyors much more than Surveyors need Zenvus. Please note that is why I did not respond to the article ” Conversation with a Fellow of the NIS”
But how could I not at least appreciate this article that finally shows that there is a willingness to approach this matter the proper way. For that I was willing to make an exception.
Nky I am sure with the right approach the NIS will be very willing to listen to you on how you want to partner with them and how they can help find good use for your tool and possibly make it better.
I believe you will do your due diligence to make contact with the National Secretariat. After all the key to a good product is better understanding of how it impacts the users.
I wish you and your firm the very best as you continue in your quest to make a good name for yourselves. While I have and still have my reservation on how your CEO is pitching this product and feel he should have as well as show more regard for Surveyors and the Surveying profession. I also must state that till now there is still a huge conflict in wanting to help farmers, improve farming and superintending over property surveys in all write ups from your end on this product.
I have nothing but praise for your innovation and i believe more will come from your stable.
Still expecting your call as your mail to me indicated. However, if it does not come this is me saying Good Luck.
Sir, this is Ndubuisi Ekekwe. I sincerely apologize for any mistake in my post. I think we have gotten the message. Apologies for that Sir. Thanks for taking the time to help. That is appreciated. I respect surveyors and our work is never the same. Again, I need to learn how to say that better.