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Nigerian Leaders Could Consider How US Democrats Govern, Building Platforms for Shared Opportunities

Nigerian Leaders Could Consider How US Democrats Govern, Building Platforms for Shared Opportunities

In the past, Nigerians used to be for the US Democratic Party. But recently, I have noticed that on WhatsApp, and many ecosystems, most Nigerians are sounding more Republican and Trumpian. That is fine; it is a free world. But allow me to share some contexts here.

I’m a Democrat. While I am against some of their social policies, it’s a party Nigeria could emulate. There’s a reason 80% of America’s largest cities are run by Democrats . There is a reason 80% of America’s top ranked universities are in Democratic cities. There’s a reason more democratic states have net tax positive to the US government Treasury than Republican states (they send to the central purse than they receive). 

Even the “crazy” Democratic California is the most innovative state in the world. It has the world’s finest university system. It has invented more technologies than any country, and without California, the world may be out of sync in decades. 

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Let us discuss American parties on the facts because if America loses Democrats, the ‘Igwebuike’ [together we move] spirit will go. This is not to tell you to switch. I just think people should not discard Democrats because of the woke and crazy social things they create and support. If you look at their economic results, Nigerian leaders could learn something from them.

Yes, they tax, and use that money to build public platforms which benefit everyone. Those great universities, public transportation systems, etc actually help many to come along.

Indeed, what makes Massachusetts better than Mississippi? There are many things even though many will not be happy with those taxes. You pay more real estate tax, etc but they have better schools. Mississippi may not tax that much but the schools are not that great. You decide which is better!


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1 THOUGHT ON Nigerian Leaders Could Consider How US Democrats Govern, Building Platforms for Shared Opportunities

  1. It is not binary, and that is why statistics are often misleading. Many of these things require proper context, time/seasons, and actual policies that translated into good results or bad ones. If we go by Democrats run better governance systems than Republicans, then we are about to dig a hole we may never find our way out of.

    I will advise my Nigeria to develop a Nigerian Framework, which is neither Democrat nor Republican. What capacity do we have to build large infrastructures? Democracy even slows down infrastructures development in our part of the world, because we are too tribalistic, making it almost impossible to fund most consequential economic projects.

    The Americans are divided along ideological lines, while Nigerians are along tribal lines, the latter is more vile, dangerous and replete with self-destruction, because you are never going to get a consensus across board. For ideological parties, each will craft its domestic and foreign policies in ways it feels would benefit and strengthen the Republic, but for tribal people? Very few care about nationalistic ideals, rather getting your kinsmen into power is the ultimate victory.

    What can work for Nigeria? It requires frank discussions, to find our common grounds.

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