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Nigeria Must Plan That US, Russia and China Could Be At Wars in 2025

Nigeria Must Plan That US, Russia and China Could Be At Wars in 2025

It is very likely that in 2025 the United States will be at war. The vectors are consolidating from all corners. Israel vs Gaza, Lebanon, Iran etc will bring the US into the theater. Ukraine vs Russia will likely escalate more especially if the Democrats retain the White House. 

Also, what is happening in the Korean peninsula is troubling, as North Korea makes its case that it will not disarm since doing that will likely make its leader another Gaddaffi or Saddam Hussein. So, its posture will not change. Of course, Sudan has attained a stable crisis state, and could be there for a decade, as there is no global leadership to bring warring factions to diplomatic tables.

The United Nations is lost, and your village school headmaster has more influence than whatever they put out as a statement. A new World Order is evolving and even the UN is threatened, because from Gaza to Ukraine to Sudan, it is now a place to speak grammar and nothing more!

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But the grand nucleus in all these pockets of lethal beats is what the leader of China has communicated to his military: “prepare for war”. We think it is against Taiwan – and that means the United States, since the US had made it clear that it would go to war to preserve Taiwan. 

“All work must push towards combat. Accelerate the enhancement of our winning capabilities.” – Chairman of the Central Military Commission, Xi Jinping, speaking at a Joint Ops Center, China.

Good People, the year 2025 could be exceedingly dangerous irrespective of who wins the US Presidency.  If Trump wins, the US could be drawn into a real battle with Iran. If Kamala wins, the US could be busy with China to help Taiwan. For Nigeria, what is the strategic imperative as these events unfold? 

Simply, Nigerian leaders must plan. We’re yet to recover from the inflationary distortion exacerbated by the Ukraine-Russia war. If China, US and Russia are engaged at the same time, in different forms, and looking at our trade patterns, Nigeria could be asymmetrically affected. That is why the nation must plan. The current world order is fragile, and a new one is evolving, and across human history, that never happens without wars!

For these two men, it is time to ask – what happens if we cannot trade with China, US and Russia for 6 months because they’re at war?

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Comment 1: Ndubuisi Ekekwe greetings. War doesn’t stop trade. Most times, it has the ability to accelerate trade depending on what you are selling or buying. Nigeria leaders just need to position themselves rightly, unfortunately, they are still struggling at home not to talk of internationally. Let us see what 2025 holds. With the sophisticated weapons produced within the last 60 years, war is deadly. Nobody should pray for war.

My Response: Wars stop trade because under laws, nations pass Defense Production Act in different forms and titles. China can say that Huawei’s factory can begin making military hardware, away from its business. During covid,  the US called that law (partly), pushing companies to make their factories available to make covid related things as the government elevated covid to a state of “partial war”. So, if China is at war, do not think they will have time for your toothpicks as that company could be asked to make boots for the army.


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2 THOUGHTS ON Nigeria Must Plan That US, Russia and China Could Be At Wars in 2025

  1. There will be no war between the US and Iran if Trump is elected. Some of these postulations are advanced just to give the impression that there’s no difference between having Trump or Harris as president. It is not true. In fact there’s a world of difference, but it requires seeing through the hysteria and focusing on how the world works. What is currently playing at geopolitical level is down to the pitiful leadership out of Whitehouse. Even to secure a ceasefire, it’s so ineffective that neither the allies nor enemies listen to them anymore.

    Trump is a different creature, if he tells you he’s gonna bomb the hell out of you, if you don’t adjust, then you get blown up. The world is not governed effectively by speaking grammar and holding meetings, you only embolden non state actors and state sponsors of terror when you do so. Put Harris there, and all the 2025 predictions will come to pass, it’s a given.

    As for Nigeria getting prepared, we do not have any independent leaders, except you mean waiting for instructions and advices from their outside headmasters. Which original thought and execution has ever come from the set of people you expect to lead? They are given what to think and taught how to think. Just follow the wind.

  2. My dear people it should not be overlooked that their is still internal war Nigeria is hosting currently, most of these agitators or breakaways stood stool from carrying out there agendas because of those foreign western countries over what they gain from our lands. Once such war breaks our believe you me their will also be serious war in Nigeria which will not only affect everyone but survival of the fittest . No more abroad to run to by our high and mighty because Africa will be more safe than over there. All these will spring up spontenously. People will not only target their enemies personally but also the rich and privileged. Brothers against brothers, families against families, neighbours against neighbours, religion against religion and tribe against tribe.Then hunger pro max will take its turn . We are close to their . Most of the high and mighties in Nigeria right now are building underground bunkers for them and their families .

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