Tekedia Capital Syndicate, an African focused investment syndicate, is inviting new members, as it begins the next investment cycle in 2024. Through Tekedia Capital Syndicate, hundreds of global citizens, Africans in diasporas and homelands, companies, investment clubs, angel clubs, etc, have invested in some of the leading startups in Africa and beyond. Some of these companies have later joined Y Combinator and Techstars as well as raised millions of US dollars in follow-up funds.
The Syndicate invests in mainly technology-anchored companies and are sector-agnostic which means those companies could be operating in any industry, including finance, real estate, education, health, logistics, manufacturing, etc. We hold investments in 4 continents and our portfolio companies are serving millions of customers.
Tekedia Capital Syndicate is coordinated by Prof Ndubuisi Ekekwe. The organization has dozens of companies in its portfolios, including Touch and Pay (Lagos Cowry Card, YC alum), Mecho Autotech (YC alum), RemySec (YC alum), OurPass (Techstars alum), TradeGrid (leading downstream oil trader), Dojah (YC alum), Egoras (EV manufacturer), Zeeh Africa (winner of BusinessDay App of the Year), and dozens of others.
Tekedia Mini-MBA edition 16 (Feb 10 – May 3, 2025) opens registrations; register today for early bird discounts.
Tekedia AI in Business Masterclass opens registrations here.
Join Tekedia Capital Syndicate and invest in Africa’s finest startups here.
To become a member of the Syndicate, a membership fee of US$1,000 or N1,000,000 is required. Begin here and join us.
Register for Tekedia Mini-MBA (Feb 10 - May 3, 2025), and join Prof Ndubuisi Ekekwe and our global faculty; click here.