Home Latest Insights | News Never ignore the impact of timing on any business! Solve Your Timing Calculus

Never ignore the impact of timing on any business! Solve Your Timing Calculus

Never ignore the impact of timing on any business! Solve Your Timing Calculus

As you develop your playbook, look for critical enablers and optimize “Timing”. As a product goes to market, the function in your limit equation must be set that critical enablers are ready. Go back to  L’Hospital’s rule and evaluate limits of indeterminate forms. The differentiation of the numerator and denominator must deliver a limit which can be directly evaluated if you expect customers to pay attention. Go back to your Further Mathematics notebook.

Never ignore the impact of timing on any business. Timing is an important factor for the success of any startup, anchored around critical enablers.

Take an example: Kalahari, Mocality, Efritin, and Old Konga collapsed or struggled because of timing, not because of execution or the quality of the idea. B2C ecommerce has a promise for Africa but the time is not ripe yet until someone fixes logistics at scale.

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You get the idea: great market winners are those who introduce amazing products at the “perfect” time. And becoming a legend is gaming that timing. #Time

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Comment 1: An idea whose time has come is an idea that came in its time.

Distinguished, I completely agree with your submission above.

Understanding the thin line of moving in too fast and too slow is uncanny wisdom. May God order our steps in the marketplace and all places.

Comment 2: Physicists define Time as the Progression of Events from the past to the present into the future.

Basically, if a system is unchanging, it is timeless. Time can be considered to be the 4th Dimension of Reality, used to describe events in 3 Dimensional Space (Length, Width and Depth). It is not something we can see, touch, or taste, but we can measure its passage.

Our world is a system. Everything is interconnected, and as a rule, nothing is ever at a state of rest, consequently, Change is Constant. The constant vibrations and behaviours of one thing translate into sequence and series of events that blend into another. Through innovation, we create order from the chaos. Innovation is a moving target, therefore innovators are obligated to calibrate innovation to the socioeconomic dynamic of events. Innovation is a beautiful Sport.

Comment 3: It’s not just in business, #timing is everything in life!!

That’s why the #eagle perches on an elevated plain, #waits until it is 12 noon, when the warm wind currents, due to #thermalinsolation, begin to flow, and then dives into the #wind, with its wings spread, which carries it almost effortlessly for kilometres; while the #flappingbirds that believe in expense of energy, by #wingflapping, go for a distance of only a few miles.

Its thus painful, irritating, and annoying when a #flappingbird begins to control and stifle an #eagle with insidious remote controls from the #shadows!!

Comment 4: Ndubuisi Prof
In all things there is order. Even complete chaos will at some point return to a point of equilibrium. Without huge constant energy to maintain the chaos, it is inevitable.

Recall my Tekedia Institute piece tinyurl.com/Idea-piece-of-paper and view ‘McKeown’s Hierarchy of Business Evolution.
Organic ecosystem’s Lion and Killer Whale exist at the top of a chain of millions upon billions of plankton and algae. B2C commerce is part of the predator spectrum in business. Along with Fintech, Metaverse, virtual assets like NFT, they are top of the chain.

Without all the forms of life from plankton and algae they cannot exist. They depend on the full spectrum of ‘McKeown’s Hierarchy of Business Evolution to be working.

Else, it is like a builder constructing a house who decides to start at the roof first instead of foundation. The roof will not allow itself to be built, suspended in air while the builder puts up the walls and foundation at their convenience.

B2C is particularly vulnerable because the elements of McKeown’s Hierarchy of Business Evolution need to be on ground and working in Nigeria. Nigeria’s killer whales can explore economic food chains dependant on international waters, but must know their currents.


Register for Tekedia Mini-MBA (Sept 9 – Dec 7, 2024), and join Prof Ndubuisi Ekekwe and our global faculty; click here.

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