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Network yourself into a productive system!

Network yourself into a productive system!

How many productive people have you connected with in the last 10 months of this year? Understand that to rise to the next level, you must deepen your capacity to connect with people closer to decision centers. Politicians keep recycling the usuals because those are the ones who are always around. Yes, only the visible get rewarded most of the time.

In the corporate world, it is the same thing: you need to be visible for someone to mention you in your absence! In other words, your job performance cannot recommend you because jobs/performance do not talk. Only humans recommend people.

Check carefully, from UBA to Zenith Bank to Dangote Cement, and beyond, most of the senior jobs have not been advertised in any newspaper in Nigeria. But weekly and monthly, those positions are being filled. How? A networked system where the visible are tabulated, and seasonally checked, to see if they are open for opportunities.

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Network yourself into a productive system. Indeed, you cannot be too busy not to network into things which keep you busy!

Comment on Feed

Comment 1: Right on the mark. Network and ‘Showork’.
Amidst the layoffs, some hiring is still going on even by very same companies. It’s totally normal. Some roles ars still lacking and need filing.

The guy who knows how to read and doesn’t, is no better than the guy who doesn’t know how to read. If you can build a gasless car and no one knows, you like the rest of the people who don’t know how to.

Show up.

Comment 2: Very true Prof. One needs qualitative network sometimes than quantitative networks. Jesus Christ had 12 disciples while the Holy Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) had just 4 great disciples. These were the men that spread the gospel of their ministry across the globe , promoted and defended them in the absence

Comment 3: That is true boss. Networking and positive relationship is one of the keys to success and career growth. Positive Human networking summarise it all. May God connect us to the right destiny helpers that will uplift us careerwise and financially.

My response: “a good product ‘job performance’ would sell itself” – I do not believe that. I believe that after doing a great job, you need to find a creative/respectful way to make people know you do great jobs. Ndubuisi Ekekwe will send Lessons Learned to company internal magazines, explaining how I executed a great project.


Register for Tekedia Mini-MBA (Feb 10 - May 3, 2025), and join Prof Ndubuisi Ekekwe and our global faculty; click here.

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