I am Nky Udo. I am the community coordinator in all Fasmicro Group ecosystems, handling digital support on Facyber, Zenvus, AA, Fashostit Web Hosting, Tekedia, etc. For our workshop – Innovation for Growth Workshop– which is scheduled in Sept 2018, I want to engage partners. Simply, we have a generous commission for agents or partners who can bring participants. For example, today, we closed a deal for an Abuja-based hub to send participants. If interested to work with me on promoting this workshop [you get commission], please email tekedia@fasmicro.com.
This September, I will bring an innovation workshop to Nigeria. I always come to Nigeria to lead programs for banks, insurers, technology companies, governments and more.
The workshop is designed for mid and senior leadership teams. These include CEOs, VPs, directors, technology, sales, marketing, strategy and finance leads in all business sectors. The workshop is aimed at:
- Companies looking for new growth areas and products
- Companies with potential, ambition and capacity for high growth
- New company owners, founders and entreprenuers who want to build robust businesses.
- Existing companies who want to engineer innovation within existing enterprises
- Startups and their leaders who need directions on roadmaps and strategies
- Governments and policy makers working to stimulate innovations
Meanwhile, to those that want to register, click here or email me at tekedia@fasmicro.com
Photo credit: European Commission (EC)