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Kenya ICT Board Commissions IDC For National ICT Market And Indicators Survey

With the arrival of broadband connectivity through three (3) submarine cable systems, the Kenyan IT market and indeed many business sectors are to grow rapidly; allowing for the introduction of new and advanced services, further setting the stage for the development of ICT as a valid contributor to Kenya’s GDP. Kenya is retaining IDC,  a global market research firm to help them make sense of this evolving dynamics.


Developing ICT skills remains a constant issue to be addressed by end users, vendors, and even governments. Public?private partnerships between vendors and governments to set up facilities for technology and knowledge transfer continue to gain momentum, especially in view of the Government long-term plans to make ICT a key part of the Kenyan Economy.


Rationale for the Proposed Survey

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Given the dynamic changes happening in the Kenyan IT market and its vision to become the hub for IT in the region; Kenya ICT Board plans to conduct a detailed analysis within the with the aim of understanding the following issues:


  •     Understanding the Kenyan ICT Ecosystem, its players, factors for growth and trends in the market;
  •     Sizing the ICT Market and its sub segments (hardware, software, services, etc.) in Kenya;
  •     Compiling a baseline of key ICT indicators (access, usage, penetration, etc.);
  •     Benchmarking key competitive ICT indicators against six countries in emerging markets; and
  •     Understanding the ICT Skills availability, demand and gaps among vendors, end users and residents.


Beneficiaries of the Proposed Survey

The key beneficiaries of this survey’s results include the following groups of stakeholders:

  •     ICT vendors and their channel partners;
  •     Education institutions (Kenya Education Network);
  •     Businesses as ICT end users;
  •     Residential consumers at large; and
  •     Other ICT Stakeholders (MoIC, CCK, e-government directorate, Kenya BPO Society, etc.)


Below click to download the presentations (these are samples for data)

Julisha launch ICT Board (.pdf 355Kb)

IDC Julisha(.pdf 923Kb)

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