Home Community Insights How To Secure Certification For Aerodromes In Nigeria

How To Secure Certification For Aerodromes In Nigeria

How To Secure Certification For Aerodromes In Nigeria

This article will be looking at the process of aerodrome certification in Nigeria which is under the jurisdiction of the Nigerian Civil Aviation Authority( NCAA) via an adoption International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) Regulations Annex 14, Volume I which requires that States certify aerodromes(small airports or airfields) used for international operations in accordance with the specifications contained in that Annex as well as other relevant ICAO specifications through an appropriate regulatory framework.

The regulatory framework is required to include the establishment of criteria for certification of aerodromes. As part of the certification process, an aerodrome operator is required to formally apply for the certification of its aerodrome and shall prepare an aerodrome manual giving all pertinent information on the aerodrome site, facilities, services, equipment operating procedures, organisation and management including a safety management system, and complete a Statement of Compliance checklist for submission to the Authority for approval/acceptance.

We will thus be looking at details of the NCAA Framework on aerodromes as follows:-

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Basic Requirements For Aerodrome Certifications in Nigeria

Detailed requirements for the certification of aerodromes are given in the Nigeria Civil Aviation Regulations Part 12 (Nig.CARs Part 12) and Advisory Circular NCAA-AC-ARD002.

Applications for Aerodrome Certificate

– An application for the issuance of an Aerodrome Certificate shall be made to the Authority in the form and manner prescribed by the Authority ( i.e. FORM: AC -ARD 002-1 and FORM: AC-ARD002-2).

The application shall be accompanied by:

i.Aerodrome Manual and Statement of Compliance demonstrating that the aerodrome operator’s Aerodrome Manual is in compliance with the relevant provisions of the Nigeria Civil Aviation Regulations Part 12 (Nig.CARs Part 12).

ii.the survey plans of the Aerodrome including obstacle chart ‘A’ showing details of the aerodrome facilities and obstructions marked/lighted as specified in the implementing Standards (IS 12.4.2(2)) of Nig.CARs Part 12;

iii.security clearance from the Federal Government;

iv.written approval from the town planning authority;

v.An Environmental Impact Assessment(EIA) approval from the Ministry of Environment; 

vi.the appropriate fee as prescribed by the Authority ; 

vii.adequate insurance cover; and

viii.particulars of non-compliance with, or deviations from the standards prescribed in Nig.CARs Part 12 and/or Aerodrome Standards Manual (ASM).

Ix Proof of financial capability to operate and maintain the aerodrome.

-Fundamentally, the aerodrome certification process comprises of the following five phases:

Phase 1: 

expression of interest by an applicant 

Phase 2: 

assessing the formal application including evaluation of aerodrome manual;. 

Phase 3: 

Assessment of Facilities and Equipment

Phase 4: 

Grant/refusal of certificate

Phase 5: 

Promulgation in the AIP of the certified status and details of the aerodrome

Flowchart for the processes of Aerodrome certification 

Phase 1

Step 1

Completion and submission of Form: AC- ARD002-1A

Step 2

Clearance letter from Environmental Authority

-Only noise assessment is required for existing aerodromes before 2006 security clearance from Federal Government.

-Not applicable to Federal Government operated aerodrome.

Step 3

– Written approval from the town planning authority

Step 4

– Provision of proof that applicant is financially capable to operate and maintain the Aerodrome

– This is not applicable to existing aerodromes before 2006

Step 5

Certification Meeting

Step 6

– Payment of Aerodrome Construction Fees

– This procedure is not applicable to existing aerodrome constructed before 2006

Phase 2

Step 1

-Completion, submission and evaluation of Form: AC-ARD002-2 together with detailed aerodrome drawings and obstacle charts

-Aerodrome drawings and obstacle chart would be required for aerodromes in existence before 2006, if they have never been submitted to the NCAA.

Step 2

– Approval of drawings and project monitoring till completion


Step 3

– Payment of Aerodrome Certification Fees

Step 4

Submission and evaluation of

– Aerodrome Manual

– Airport Security Programme

– Air Traffic Service manuals

– applications for deviations, if necessary

– Also to be provided are written technical and commercial agreements between the applicant and designated providers of air traffic service and meteorological services for the provision of these services(This is applicable to nonfederally operated airports)

-For existing aerodrome,the documents should be submitted with Form:AC-ARD002-2, if it has not been submitted in step 1

Phase 3

Step 1

Physical inspection of:

-Aerodrome facilities and services by aerodrome standards inspectors

-Aviation Security facilities and services by AVSEC inspectors

– ANS facilities and services by ANS inspectors.

Step 2

Provision of insurance cover

Phase 4

Grant or Refusal of Aerodrome Certificate

Phase 5

Step 1

Promulgation of the certified status of the aerodrome in the AIP

Step 2

Update of surveillance plan


When an aerodrome does not meet the requirement of a standard specified in the Nig.CARs Part 12/ASM, the aerodrome operator must carry out an aeronautical study, to provide an alternative means of compliance, and submit to the Authority. NCAA will evaluate the aeronautical study to determine if the mitigation measures provided by the Aerodrome Operator are acceptable to ensure a level of safety equivalent to that established by the relevant standard. Before NCAA decides to exempt the aerodrome operator, it will take into account all safety-related aspects.

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