Home Community Insights How Can You Lead by Example and What Are the Benefits?

How Can You Lead by Example and What Are the Benefits?

How Can You Lead by Example and What Are the Benefits?
Leader vs follower concept

While some leaders will simply sit back and let others around them get on with it, there are many more who much prefer to lead by example. This blog post will present a defense of people in the latter camp, describing a few ways that you can do this more effectively, as well as outlining the benefits of taking on this style of leadership.

Be seen to get involved

Rather than being a backseat driver, you are much better off getting involved in the ins and outs of the work. For example, at the start of the project, you may want to delegate work effectively, ensuring that everyone has their own specific tasks to accomplish. You should set out your own work at this stage. As well as showing your team that you are happy to get stuck in, you can also see how the project is going at the ground level, which can help you to make better decisions along the way.

Avoid micromanaging

While getting involved is one thing, you don’t want to micromanage your team, as this can have the opposite effect to the one that you had intended. Make sure you know what everyone is doing, but don’t look over their shoulders all the time and attempt to get involved at every single stage. Of course, you can have some checkups and a general overview of how the project is going. This will show that you are involved but not overly so and will help other members of the team to avoid micromanaging as well.

Take productivity breaks

Another important part of leading by example is showing that your team members don’t need to have their noses to the grindstone all the time. Instead, you can encourage them to take productivity breaks as these can help to refresh their mindsets and leave them feeling more like they can tackle anything that comes their way all over again. Everyone should be free to do what they like on their productivity breaks, whether this is the rejuvenating effects of a walk outside or the simple escapism of playing some games on jackpotcitycasino.com/canada/. The latter option is great as it offers hundreds of game titles at high audio and visual quality that allows for a highly interactive experience in short bursts when needed.

Provide constructive feedback

Another element of leading by example comes from the feedback side of things. This way, you can ensure that you are offering a constructive approach to your staff members that can certainly be taken on board. People should know how they can improve, and providing this level of feedback can lay the groundwork and ensure that greater levels of trust can be achieved all along.

Leading by example helps to promote trust and a sense of faith in your leadership at the same time. It is worth maintaining this throughout, as it makes it much more likely that the project will be a success and your team will be confident in all that you are doing now and in the future.

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