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Four Tips on Team Building

Four Tips on Team Building
BHL Solution manages technical projects

By BHL Solutions

In any organization, people management is profoundly a difficult task to handle, it seems easy but is hardly so. We are a different group of people with our baggage which we drag along  together with our skills. This is why there are so many strained relationships between coworkers.

What is a team?

Team is a group of people organized to work on project or together, interdependently and cooperatively, to meet the demands of their customers by accomplishing a common goal.

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In team building, daily interaction between the employees while carrying out the requirements of their job is part of the process. This is a type of team building structure which comes naturally, to ensure that group members know how to communicate with each other. Another form of team building, can involve structured activities and exercises which are externally facilitated. It doesn’t matter how one wishes to build their team, as long as the group members get to bond.  A bonded team has a higher level of success in completing projects effectively than a non-bonded team.

Tips on How to Build/have  a successful Team 

Communicate: Communication is important, when you don’t leverage on that, a lot of people on the team would feel left out. For instance, when everyone has the information and other members have not been filled in on what is going on, leads to one part of the team questioning their value. So, fostering a certain level of transparency while communicating, whenever possible, keeps the energy in the team same. An open line of communication helps your team members share or create a more productive workflow. When you let the team members weigh in on feedback, and are allowed to evaluate decisions, which in turn would give them a feeling of ownership over their work, leading to better performance.

Get to Know Each Other: Work colleagues shouldn’t be mandated to be friends with each other, on a personal level. But it takes nothing, for team members to get to know each other, maybe engage with each other on a monthly basis, during social gatherings. This is a chance for team members to know each other outside work, understand what each person brings to the table, and how to have discussions with little or no disagreements. Situations like this foster conducive environment for team work to grow.

Value Each Other: No roles should be treated higher or lower than the other. Every member should feel that their input matters and is crucial. With this sense of importance among team members, efforts would be generated to enhance performance. When one feels undervalued, work becomes mechanical, and reduces the amount of the input each member puts in.

Set Goals Together: Whether it is a short or long term goal for a project, your team members should be actively involved in the process. If this becomes the base of every project worked on, knowing the outcome and the task necessary for each member to pursue puts everything in better perspective. When everyone knows his/her deadlines, the task would easily be accomplished. Also, it allows the team members the opportunity to help one another in order to achieve the bigger picture.

Perspectives from BHL Solutions.

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