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Win your time. Win your future.

One of the greatest victories you can attain in life is victory over your time (the hours, minutes and seconds). If you master your time, you will win your future. Greatness has been achieved NOT because of special talent but rather because of total dedication, perseverance and commitment through the mastering of time.

A man who cannot manage his seconds will wander through the boundless of time.

All paths of careers are defined by the ability to manage time. A man who is overwhelmed by the limitation of unbounded time quits. Yes, “I have decided to settle for C because I cannot cover the notes to compete for A”. Do not show any pity: he wasted his time and the rationalization for poor grades cannot change the state of his records, for life! Do that many times, the person will turn out to be a failure in everything.

Win your time. Win your future.