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The Instacart’s New Playbook

A new boss is coming for Instacart, a grocery delivery company, and she has a great vision: make Instacart a portal. Her vision is very strategic indeed.

As for the future, Simo doesn’t just see Instacart as a delivery service. Her vision for the company is inspired by her time at Facebook, she told CNBC, There, she saw new companies built on top of Facebook ads, which they used to target and sell products directly to users. Similar new food companies could launch on Instacart’s platform as well. Simo also mentioned adding food content, which could include recipes, videos, or food blogs that would inspire people to buy groceries through Instacart. (Fortune newsletter)

Meanwhile, the company is firing those working to unionize in the business.

Instacart is firing 10 employees who voted to form the first and only union on the grocery delivery platform at a Mariano's grocery store in Skokie, Illinois, and inspired other Instacart employees to organize their coworkers at grocery stores around the country.