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The Evolution of Nollywood: YouTube Embracing the Digital Age with Kanayo O. Kanayo

The Nigerian film industry, affectionately known as Nollywood, has been a beacon of African storytelling, bringing to life the diverse narratives of the continent. In recent years, the industry has witnessed a significant transformation, largely fueled by the advent of digital platforms like YouTube. One of the industry's stalwarts, Kanayo O. Kanayo, has been vocal about the freedom and opportunities these platforms offer to filmmakers.

While appearing as a guest on The Honest Bunch Podcast, the veteran said the streaming platform has helped the industry in several ways, he noted in the June 24, 2024, interview that filmmakers can post on the platform without their work being censored by the National Film & Video Censors Board {NFVCB}

Kanayo, a veteran actor with a career spanning decade, has seen the industry's evolution from the era of VHS tapes to the digital streaming of today. In a landscape where traditional distribution channels often presented hurdles, YouTube has emerged as a liberating force, allowing creators to reach audiences far and wide without the constraints of physical logistics.

For Kanayo and many of his peers, YouTube represents more than just a platform; it's a democratizing force that levels the playing field. Up-and-coming filmmakers who once struggled to get their foot in the door now have the world at their fingertips. They can showcase their work, receive instant feedback, and grow their fan base without the gatekeeping that once stifled innovation.

However, this newfound freedom isn't without its challenges. Kanayo has pointed out the potential pitfalls of the platform, such as the pressure to produce content rapidly, which can compromise quality. He stresses the importance of maintaining professional standards and not losing sight of the artistry that Nollywood is known for.

Kanayo praised YouTube for its accessibility and the opportunities and how it has saved the industry. “It has come to help the industry. From the comfort of your home, you can make your money. Create content and put it on YouTube. In fact, YouTube rescued the industry from some ravaging wolves who were doubling as marketers,” he said.

He further highlighted a difficult period in the film industry when marketers wielded significant power, even suspending prominent actors such as Richard Mofe Damijo

marketers often prevented actors from marketing their films and imposed fines to scare them and maintain their control.

“Formally marketers you had then who also doubled as ex-producers never wanted an actor to become a marketer, so they placed a ban on anything that will make you come up to market your film. In fact, it was so bad that they imposed a fine of ₦500,000 or a levy that you have to pay ₦500,000 to be a marketer,” the actor said.

Despite these concerns, the benefits are undeniable. YouTube has allowed Nollywood to thrive in the digital age, providing a space where stories that might have otherwise gone untold can find a home. It has also opened up new revenue streams for filmmakers, who can now monetize their content directly.

“I'm one of those who feel that YouTube is not a realistic channel because it restricts you from showing what you can do in the technical area. Most of the films you watch, American films and so on, you will see how a bullet hit somebody and how it pierced, that's creativity, that's somebody sitting down and saying, ‘We're going to crash this car.’ A lot of work will come into it.”

Despite this limitation, Kanayo acknowledged the financial opportunity the platform offers.

“On the good news, it is giving opportunities to people to earn in dollars every month,” he said.

Kanayo's embrace of YouTube underscores a broader shift within Nollywood—a shift towards innovation, accessibility, and creative freedom. As the industry continues to navigate the complexities of the digital era, voices like Kanayo's remind us of the importance of balancing progress with preservation, ensuring that the heart of Nollywood's storytelling endures.

As we look to the future, it's clear that platforms like YouTube will continue to play a pivotal role in shaping the landscape of African cinema. With pioneers like Kanayo leading the charge, Nollywood is poised to reach new heights, breaking barriers and continuing to captivate audiences around the globe. The journey of Nollywood is far from over, and with the freedom offered by digital platforms, the next chapter promises to be as exciting as the last.

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