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Ovim Prefers School Bases, Not Military Ones in Nigeria

Northern Nigeria Leaders Caution Against Relocating US and French Military Bases to Nigeria

Very scary indeed how Africa could become a new theatre of future wars. With this letter from Northern Nigeria leaders, it does mean that indeed Mali, Niger and Burkina Faso kicked out US and French forces out of their countries, replaced by Russian forces: "It is a common knowledge that the American and French governments have been desperately lobbying the governments of Nigeria, Benin, Togo, and Ghana to agree to sign new defense pacts that would enable them to redeploy their soldiers expelled from Mali, Burkina Faso, and Niger’.

Personally, it is hard to see the impact of these bases considering that terrorism took over most of these countries, despite the presence of foreign bases. We want MIT, Harvard, Johns Hopkins, CALTECH, Princeton, CMU, bases, not soldiers; if Nigeria does not have land for those bases, Ovim welcomes these schools.