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Meryl Streep and Don Gummer: A Love Story That Lasted 45 Years

Meryl Streep is one of the most acclaimed and versatile actors of our time, with three Academy Awards and 21 nominations to her name. But behind her stellar career, there is a lesser-known story of her enduring love with her husband, Don Gummer, a sculptor and artist. The couple has been married for 45 years, and their relationship has survived the challenges and pressures of fame, family, and tragedy.

How did they meet? It was not a typical Hollywood romance. In fact, it was quite the opposite. Meryl Streep was in a relationship with another actor, John Cazale, who starred in The Godfather and The Deer Hunter. They were deeply in love and planned to get married, but their dreams were shattered when Cazale was diagnosed with terminal lung cancer in 1977. He died a year later, leaving Meryl devastated and heartbroken.

Don Gummer was a friend of Meryl's brother, Harry, who invited him to stay at his apartment in New York while he was away. Meryl was also staying there, grieving for Cazale. Don offered her comfort and support, and they soon developed a bond that turned into romance. They got married in September 1978, just six months after Cazale's death.

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Some people might have thought that it was too soon for Meryl to move on, but she knew that Don was the right person for her. He understood her pain and respected her past. He also shared her passion for art and creativity. He did not try to compete with her fame or overshadow her talent. He gave her the space and freedom to pursue her career, while also being a loving partner and father to their four children.

Meryl has often praised Don for his generosity and kindness, calling him "the best thing that ever happened to me". She has also credited him for helping her balance her work and personal life, saying that he is "the reason why I'm able to do what I do". Don has also expressed his admiration and appreciation for Meryl, saying that she is "an amazing woman" and "a great mother".

Meryl Streep and Don Gummer have proven that true love can overcome any obstacle and last a lifetime. They have also shown that love does not have to follow a conventional script or timeline. Sometimes, it can come from the most unexpected places and at the most unexpected times.

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