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Forgetting my lines on stage was the most embarrassing moment of my career – Adjetey Anang

Adjetey Anang, is a Ghanaian actor and producer. You may know him from some of his movies and TV shows, such as Things We Do for Love, A Sting in a Tale, and Potomanto. Today, I want to share with you a personal story that has makes him cringe whenever he thinks about it. It's about the time he forgot his lines on stage during a live performance.

As a reminder, Adjetey Anang is a Ghanaian actor, popularly known as “Pusher”, which was his screen name in the television series Things We Do for Love.

He has been featured in many Ghanaian movies, including “Deadly Voyage”, “A Sting in a Tale”, “The Perfect Picture” and others. He has also featured in a Dutch movie titled “Slavery”.

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It was back in {2010}, when he was part of a theatre group called Roverman Productions. They were staging a play called Unhappy Wives, Confused Husbands, written and directed by Uncle Ebo Whyte. The play was a comedy about the challenges of marriage and family life. It was very popular and well-received by the audience.

He played the role of Kwame, a married man who was having an affair with his secretary. In one scene, He had to confront his wife, played by Lydia Forson, who had found out about his infidelity. It was supposed to be a dramatic and tense moment, but it turned out to be a disaster.

You see, He had memorized his lines very well, but on that day, something went wrong. Maybe it was the pressure of performing in front of a large crowd, or maybe it was the distraction of seeing some familiar faces in the audience. Whatever it was, He suddenly drew a blank when it was his turn to speak.

He looked at Lydia, hoping she would help him out, but she just stared back at me with a puzzled expression. He tried to improvise, but nothing came out of his mouth. He felt like an idiot. The silence was deafening. The audience started to whisper and giggle. He could hear some people saying, "He has forgotten his lines!"

With feelings like he wanted to disappear from the stage. I believe he wished the ground would swallow him up. He prayed for a miracle. But none came. He had to endure the humiliation for what seemed like an eternity, until Uncle Ebo Whyte came to his rescue. Uncle Ebo Whyte walked on stage and announced that there was a technical problem and that we would resume shortly. He then ushered Adjetey Anang and Lydia off the stage.

He was so ashamed and embarrassed that he couldn't face anyone. he apologized profusely to Uncle Ebo Whyte, Lydia, and the rest of the cast and crew. They were very understanding and supportive, and they assured him that it was not a big deal. They said that it happens to every actor at some point in their career.

But it was a big deal to him. It was the most embarrassing moment of his career. It haunted him for a long time. He lost confidence in himself and doubted his abilities as an actor. And wondered if he had chosen the wrong profession.

It took him a while to overcome that experience and move on. And realized that forgetting his lines on stage was not the end of the world. It was just a human error that could happen to anyone. He learned to forgive himself and laugh about it. He also learned to be more prepared and focused when performing.

I'm sharing this story with you because I want you to know that no one is perfect. We all make mistakes and have embarrassing moments in our lives. The important thing is how we deal with them and learn from them. Don't let your mistakes define you or stop you from pursuing your dreams.

Adjetey Anang

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