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Digital Knowledge in Nigeria

The Redesign of Education via EdTech - Tekedia

As Nigeria seeks to satisfy her urge to industrialise, she is at a point where laborious work can no longer move the needle for her desired goal. To this end, we need a shift in strategy that involves a kind of work known as Knowledge work. Knowledge work is thinking work. As opposed to the norm, it would require more of the use of the brain than brawn as it is minds over muscles.

According to Google English Dictionary, education is the process of receiving or giving systemic instruction, especially at a school or university. It is an enlightening experience. History teaches that no region can rise above its level of knowledge, and wherever knowledge goes, so does development. Ancient Egypt and  modern United States dominance attests to this.

Despite the enormous potentials educations hold, Nigeria is just a few percentage points above average in literacy rate. At 62.02 per cent literacy, all may seem fine however it is not so, as the remaining 38 per cent uneducated populace is more than the entire population of the United Kingdom. So, if we are going to rise, we need tools with a scalability advantage, such as digital technologies.

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Digital technologies are electronic tools, systems, and resources that generate, store and present data. It includes a mobile phone and a personal computer. This technology which has gained immense popularity due to its possibilities is of more importance to students and teachers than any class of knowledge workers because it enables and improves knowledge sharing. Via sharing parties such as students within themselves, students and their teachers, teachers within themselves and others, explore the world in more creative ways, thus create new knowledge.

Aside from increased intellectual wealth, it would foster educational inclusion. The uneducated populace needs education, and to solve this dilemma, traditional classrooms should not be a deciding factor. By creatively exploring the potentials of the Internet, previously remote regions could become Global centres for learning, and with digital interaction, isolation which usually leads to irrelevance becomes a thing of the past.

So, to rise, all this would be attainable if we no longer see digital technology as an abstract topic of discussion but a tool for growth. Therefore, it is of utmost importance that education becomes a priority if we want to emerge strong.