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China, Russia, Iran, and North Korea Forge Dangerous Alliance: A New 'Axis of Evil' Emerges

Growing Concerns in Washington Over Emerging China-Russia-Iran-North Korea Alliance

U.S. officials are increasingly worried about the developing partnership between China, Russia, Iran, and North Korea—a coalition some are referring to as a new "axis of evil." This alliance, which poses significant threats to global stability, has raised alarms in Washington, particularly following the confirmation by U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin that North Korean troops are now in Russia, likely preparing to aid Moscow in its war against Ukraine.

This development follows Russia’s participation in naval drills hosted by Iran, signaling growing military cooperation among these nations. All four countries—China, North Korea, Iran, and Russia—have supported Russia’s war effort in Ukraine, each contributing in different ways. Iran has supplied missiles and drones, North Korea has provided artillery shells, and China has offered dual-use technology such as semiconductors and drone engines.

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A Modern “Axis of Evil”

Republican Congressman Rob Wittman, vice chairman of the House Armed Services Committee, compared this alliance to the Axis powers of the late 1930s. During an online discussion hosted by the Center for a New American Security, Wittman warned that the world is at a crossroads, facing nations that reject the rule of law and human rights. He likened the current situation to the prelude to World War II, noting the similarities between today’s revisionist powers and those that destabilized the world in the 1930s.

In 2002, former U.S. President George W. Bush coined the term "axis of evil" to describe countries supporting terrorism, including North Korea, Iran, and Iraq. Today, the term is being revived to describe China, Russia, Iran, and North Korea—a bloc united by a shared goal of challenging U.S. influence and reshaping the global order.

Revisionist Powers with a Common Agenda

U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken has characterized these four countries as "revisionist powers," noting that they are determined to alter the fundamental principles of the international system. While he acknowledged that the Biden administration does not seek to create a confrontation of global blocs, Blinken emphasized the need to act decisively to prevent the emergence of such an alliance.

Despite the transactional nature of their relationships, these nations continue to deepen their cooperation. As Wittman pointed out, China, Russia, Iran, and North Korea are already sharing technology and resources. He highlighted evidence from the war in Ukraine, where Chinese components were found in Russian drones, North Korean artillery is being used by Russian forces, and Iranian drones are employed on the battlefield. This demonstrates the extent of their military collaboration.

Lessons Learned from Ukraine

Wittman also noted that the alliance is rapidly learning from the ongoing war in Ukraine. The real-time combat experience is providing these nations with valuable insights and capabilities that are difficult to replicate in peaceful times. This knowledge could give them an advantage in future conflicts, allowing them to adapt faster and develop more advanced military strategies.

Merrill Matthews, a resident scholar at the Institute for Policy Innovation, warned that the "2024 Axis of Evil" is more expansionist than its predecessors. These nations, especially Russia and China, seek to gain more territory and power, coordinating their efforts to benefit each country’s geopolitical goals. Matthews also suggested that this group aims to create a self-sufficient economic zone, reducing their dependence on Western economies.

The Role of China

China plays a central role in this alliance. According to Christopher S. Chivvis, a senior fellow at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, China’s involvement makes the bloc far more dangerous. Without China, the partnership would consist of three isolated nations with limited global influence. With China’s economic and military strength, however, the group poses a significant threat to U.S. interests.

Chivvis also highlighted the potential for coordinated actions by these nations during crises. For example, if China launched a military operation against Taiwan, Russia could exploit the situation by escalating its aggression in Ukraine or even making moves against NATO. Similarly, a conflict involving Iran in the Middle East could prompt China to act more aggressively in the Indo-Pacific.

Global Impact of Regional Conflicts

Michael Singh, managing director of the Washington Institute for Near East Policy, warned that conflicts in one region could have ripple effects globally. He cited the example of the Gulf Arab states, critical energy suppliers to both China and Taiwan, and noted that Iran has demonstrated the capability to disrupt international waterways through its proxies, such as the Houthis. A conflict over Taiwan could therefore spill over into other parts of the world, affecting global energy supplies and trade routes.

A Fragile Alliance?

While Blinken described the relationships among these four countries as largely transactional, he acknowledged that their cooperation is driven by a common goal: challenging the United States and the current international system. Although their alliance may involve trade-offs and risks, the shared objective of undermining U.S. influence will likely keep them aligned in the near term.

As the partnership among China, Russia, Iran, and North Korea grows stronger, U.S. officials are grappling with how to respond to this emerging "axis of evil." The world faces a dangerous new reality, where regional conflicts can quickly escalate into global crises, and revisionist powers work together to reshape the geopolitical landscape in their favor.


In the growing partnership between China, Russia, Iran, and North Korea presents a significant challenge to global stability and U.S. interests. This emerging "axis of evil" is united by a shared goal of revising the current international order and undermining the United States' global influence. While their cooperation may be transactional, their combined military, economic, and technological capabilities make them a formidable force. As tensions escalate in various regions, the actions of these revisionist powers could have far-reaching consequences, potentially igniting conflicts that spill over into other parts of the world. The U.S. and its allies must act decisively to counter this alliance and prevent it from destabilising the international system further.

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