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Every good CEO must lead digital transformation

Image result for Digital Transformation: Survive and Thrive in an Era of Mass Extinction

“[Previous] innovations were introduced to industry through the IT organization… What I’m seeing now is that, almost invariably, corporate digital transformations are initiated and propelled by the CEO. Visionary CEOs, individually, are the engines of massive change. This is unprecedented in the history of information technology–possibly unprecedented in the history of commerce. Today CEO-mandated digital transformation drives the company’s roadmap and goals.” Tom Siebel, Digital Transformation: Survive and Thrive in an Era of Mass Extinction

This is how Fortune explained that section in a newsletter: "You can think of this as the Siebel corollary to the rule that every good company today is a tech company. Every good CEO must lead digital transformation, because it in turn drives strategy."

Read about digital transformation in the oil sector.

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Digital transformation is a predominant trend impacting today’s global business. Historically, the Oil and Gas Industry has always been a leader in the application of technology to achieve business value. However, the implementation of digital solutions has been slow in the oil sector even though it has transformed other sectors like Banking, Healthcare and Sports.

It brings up the questions about potential qualities of a modern CEO, the digital savvy CEOs, and the role of 'experience' in such role.

How do current recruitment practices capture all of that, and how relevant is it to use what is in the CV to know who could perform in future? Of course for any digital transformation to be efficacious, the CEO must own it, and then convey it in such a way that every member of the organisation will take ownership of its overall success.

By the time you spend around 30 minutes with some persons, you suddenly realise how meaningless and ineffective those CVs and structured job assessment can be, sometimes.

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Victor Mba