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‘Entrepreneurial Solutions’ Transform BoP Markets for Prosperity

The quest for prosperity requires a radical shift in perspective. This book will equip entrepreneurs and other leaders with a roadmap for success.

New York, NY – Four billion people – more than half of the world’s population – lives on less than $2/day. A revolution is underway where these citizens refuse to be stuck in survival. Recent events in Egypt illustrate this cry for change.

Yet, leading business thinkers have identified this population – often called the “Base of the Pyramid” (BoP) – as one of the greatest opportunities of the 21st century.

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Many business leaders have considered these markets “too difficult to crack” – or have failed trying to do so. Similarly, entrepreneurs operating in Base of the Pyramid markets struggle to realize the economic potential of the market.

Author Eric Kacou identifies the problem as the ‘survival trap’ a tendency for businesses and nations to focus on short-term crises at the expense of developing long-term strategies for prosperity.  This vicious cycle keeps individuals poor, businesses struggling, and nations under-developed.

This book is about prosperity creation in business and society.” states Kacou about his new book, Entrepreneurial Solutions for Prosperity in BoP Markets (Wharton School Publishing, ISBN-13: 9780137079261, 336 pages, $29.99, January 2011). After identifying outdated mindsets which have lead to mistrust, dependence, and failure, this book shares the secrets of entrepreneurs that have made it and are transforming the Base of the Pyramid markets where they operate.

What do the successes of these entrepreneurs and of nations like Rwanda teach us about fostering the entrepreneurial spirit at the Base of the Pyramid?  What practical techniques can business and government leaders use to unleash the untapped potential of this huge market?

Kacou identifies the breakthrough mindsets, business models and operational techniques for success. Drawing from research and experience in low-income nations, Kacou reveals seven opportunities for unleashing a virtuous cycle of prosperity. These seven opportunities equip readers with the tools to take their economic destiny in their own hands.

Rather than a call for outside help, Entrepreneurial Solutions for Prosperity in BoP Markets is a call to action for entrepreneurs and other leaders. It equips citizens at the BoP with the tools necessary to take control of their economic destiny. Specifically, readers will gain a better understanding of:

  • Why Mindsets Matter: mindsets drive actions and by extension results at base of the pyramid. Stakeholders have the power to improve their reality by adopting new mindsets. This book offers specific mindsets that can act as keys to escape the Survival Trap.
  • What are the Solutions for Escaping the Survival Trap: after offering a diagnostic tool of prevailing mindsets, this book proposes human-centric approaches for prosperity.  Rooted in the reality of BoP markets, these seven approaches align businesses to the specific challenges of operating in low-income nations.
  • How to deploy these solutions for business success and economic transformation: integration is required to move from individual success to broad based prosperity. Rwanda’s metamorphosis provides the capstone example of the power of collectively embracing entrepreneurial mindsets.

At a time of transformative choices, discerning leaders now have a blueprint for prosperity. By unleashing an entrepreneurial revolution, the energies of half of the world’s population will be leveraged as the base of the pyramid lifts itself out of poverty.

Check out an excerpt from the book by visiting www.entrepreneurialsolutionsforprosperity.com

If you are interested in receiving a copy of Entrepreneurial Solutions for Prosperity in BoP Markets (electronic format also available) or an interview with the author, please contact Charity Kabango at 647-833-7496 / ckabango@entrepreneurialsolutionsforprosperity.com

About the Author

A native of Cote d’Ivoire, Eric Kacou is co-founder and CEO of Entrepreneurial Solutions Partners (ESP), a firm providing entrepreneurs and leaders with the right mix of insight and capital needed to generate prosperity. Prior to starting this venture, this, he served as Managing Director of OTF Group, a competitiveness consultancy focused on emerging markets. An expert in business strategy and economic reconstruction, he led the Rwanda National Innovation and Competitiveness (RNIC) Program. Eric also served CEOs and leaders of over a dozen developing countries and international development partners. Eric started his career as a strategy consultant with Monitor Company advising Fortune 500 executives. A candidate Mason Fellowship in Public Policy at the Harvard Kennedy School, Eric earned his MBA at the Wharton School, and serves on the Wharton Executive Board for Europe, Africa and the Middle East. The World Economic Forum honored Eric Kacou as a Young Global Leader.

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