Home Community Insights Dissecting JAMB’s Tech-Driven Policies And Innovations

Dissecting JAMB’s Tech-Driven Policies And Innovations

Dissecting JAMB’s Tech-Driven Policies And Innovations

I do not hesitate to tender an extensive and exclusive commentary each time I take note of any issue or policy pertaining to education. This feature of mine might not be unconnected with my explicit love for impaction of knowledge on mankind.

In various quarters, it is being opined and echoed that education is the key to any success room, hence ought to be regarded as an inevitable pathway towards attaining one’s anticipated height. But I see it as the success itself, because anyone who acquires it is already ostensibly inside the said room.

The above assertions are the reason in advanced societies, educational institutions are handled with absolute care, thus given every attention they deserve. In such part of the world, funding of the institution by the concerned authorities is never compromised. It suffices to say that such a gesture is invariably seen as a priority.

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This is why developing countries like Nigeria that are apparently following the footsteps of these climes as mentioned above in regard to learning don’t seem to overlook establishments such as the Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board (JAMB).

JAMB, which remains a household name in the Nigerian polity as regards education, has in recent times been making great waves in terms of innovations and enhancement driven by technology. The rebranding mechanism has continued unabated till date.

Its introduction of the ongoing Computer-Based Test (CBT) four years ago under the watch of Prof. Dibu Ojerinde – the then Registrar – was not unlike a mere concept that would never be physically felt. It was to the onlookers’ utmost amazement when the initiative fully metamorphosed into obvious reality.

Initially, the CBT was meant to be optional or elective, whereby the prospective candidates were permitted to freely choose between it and the then usual Paper-Based Test (PBT). In other words, the CBT mode was being test-run or put to the test during that era, precisely in 2015.

At the time, having commended the tech-driven innovation without much ado, I critically and extensively recommended therein the possible ways the JAMB could advance in the initiative. Other concerned Nigerians who were equally keen to educational matters, also followed suit.

I was so impressed when I realized that the newly introduced mode of testing had eventually become non-elective or compulsory among the admission seekers. Every well-meaning education stakeholder welcomed the idea which was aimed at ushering in a zero-malpractice and marking-with-ease era.

Since the full emergence of the CBT, all forms of examination malpractice have seemingly been a thing of the past. Similarly, contrary to the manual pattern of marking formerly in vogue, the activity is now done with great ease thereby making it a labour effective scheme. Among all, results could at the moment be released by the board as soon as possible, even within a few hours after the exams.

Several improvements regarding the CBT have hitherto been recorded under the current leadership of Prof. Ishaq Oloyede. In spite of a few technical hitches observed in the process, the e-mode testing has thus far made significant impacts to the delight of most Nigerians.

In the same vein, it’s equally worthy of note that an electronic registration method has fully been implemented by the JAMB. By this routine, e-mode materials are issued to the prospective candidates having purchased the e-form (e-PIN) as well as successfully registered.

For instance, only digital devices such as Compact Disc (CD) containing e-Syllabus and e-Brochure are given to the applicants, not manual booklets as done in the past. And, the payments can be made via various channels including banks, the Point of Sale (POS) machine, Automated Teller Machine (ATM), JAMB’s online portal, or the mobile phones.

In the e-registration for the 2018/2019 exams, that lasted between 10th January and 21st February, 2019, all applicants were entitled to electronic Personal Identification Numbers simply known as e-PINs the moment they made their payments.

The pattern continues till date. Each e-PIN, which is sent to the person’s personal phone number and grants him/her access to the registration portal, is reportedly tied to individual profile, hence not transferable.

This implies that any e-PIN is to be delivered electronically to the applicant, and not to be handwritten. Before going for the e-PIN, the applicant must have obtained his/her profile code via the cell phone number used for the preliminary exercise.

Prospective candidates are, therefore, warned to keep their respective e-PINs secret and safe toward averting any form of hacking by unscrupulous and unpatriotic elements who do not mean well for the exercise and the country at large. They are in this regard advised to see the e-PINs as strictly personal.

It’s noteworthy that only JAMB approved CBT centres nationwide are eligible to carry out the e-registration process. Each applicant is consequently required to proceed to any of these accredited centres. They have to present the e-PIN for completion of their respective registrations.

The full name of the prospective candidate as entered/typed towards acquiring the profile code, or during the preliminary stage of the e-registration, would automatically be displayed on the input of the e-PIN by the CBT centre staff.

It’s equally worth noting that anyone can also register in any of the JAMB recognized foreign countries, which include Ivory Coast, Ghana, Ethiopia, Benin Republic, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, England, and Beau in the U.S.A.

The rigorous e-security processes currently being undergone by the applicants have thus far gone a long way in curtailing different kinds of frauds and malpractices that were ab initio in existence. It has ensured that only the persons who applied for the exams are granted the access to the e-mode question scripts.

The overall tech-driven innovations recently introduced by the JAMB will continue to guarantee a high level of credibility and transparency in respect of the conduct of the entrance examination in its entirety. The institution is therefore encouraged to sustain the enhancements.

The JAMB, however, needs to be mindful of some key technical factors. The board must employ a strict strategic approach with a view to ensuring that uninterrupted power supply is made available by the various approved CBT centres.

They should also be directed to contract reliable and well experienced Information Technology (IT) experts to ensure deployment of standard and tested softwares on their computers on a regular basis.

Inter alia, adequate human security must be put in place to safeguard the electronic gadgets in the centres. The JAMB needs to equally inculcate these strategic measures in its headquarters towards averting any challenge either during the e-registration or the CBT.

It’s invariably great to make any laudable policy and innovation but far greater to painstakingly consider its apt sustenance afterwards.

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