Home Tech Digital Music Freedom – How To Transfer Your Collection from iTunes to Cloud Drive

Digital Music Freedom – How To Transfer Your Collection from iTunes to Cloud Drive


Here is how  to move digital music collection from Apple’s iTunes software to Amazon’s new “Cloud Drive” music service


1. Visit Amazon.com  enter your user name and password, and find the link that says “upload files.”

2. Agree to the terms of service and solve a Captcha, one of those tricky image-recognition puzzles that prove you’re an actual human being.

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3. Download Amazon’s “MP3 uploader” software, which scans the music on your hard drive.

4. Select about 1,000 of the gazillion songs you own and mark them for upload.

5. Wait around six hours for the upload to finish.

6. Download Amazon’s separate Cloud Player app for Android to stream that music to your phone, or use a Web browser to listen to it from any PC.

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