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Creating A Healthy And Balanced Work Environment

Creating A Healthy And Balanced Work Environment

One of the most important elements to motivate and promote staff productivity is by creating a healthy and balanced work environment. Employees feel happy and motivated to give their best when a workplace is healthy and balanced. They tend to feel in control of their work-life which often leads to greater employee loyalty, a happier/ less stressed workforce, and positive perception towards the management. On the other hand, an unbalanced work environment often brings about stress and lack of motivation from employees, which usually affects productivity in the workplace.

So how can one make the workplace healthy and balanced where employees are happy and productive?

Below are three (3) tips on how workplace health and  balance can be achieved;

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  1. Communication: It is important to have a balanced work environment with proper communication. Communication is arguably the cornerstone of any effective work environment. Communication is more than just talking, it’s about connecting with people. According to a survey conducted on 210,000 American employees, it was discovered that less than half were satisfied with the information they got from the management. What some organizations fail to understand is that one of the most powerful benefits of better communication in the workplace is more engaged employees. When employees are engaged to get feedback from them on the information passed across, it creates a healthy and balanced workplace. This will therefore make employees more engaged in their work making them align better with company objectives and goals.
  2. Empowerment Of Employees: Employee empowerment is a management philosophy that emphasizes the importance of giving employees the autonomy, support, and resources they need to act independently and be held accountable for decisions they make. When employees are empowered, it boosts their creativity and performance which leads to job satisfaction and commitment in the organization. Employees who have the potential to do more but lack the authority or resources to make it happen are usually frustrated in the workplace which often leads to disengagement, demoralization, and low productivity. According to experts, it is reported that employees who have control over how, when, and where they do their job will work harder and find their work more engaging. When they are not confined to a specific role, but given the chance to show off their ability in other areas, they will always want to put their best foot forward leading to satisfaction in the job. Leaders should understand that employees aren’t just working for the paycheck, they also want to be appreciated. So leaders must learn to always celebrate employees’ achievements.
  3. Offering Awards, Benefits, And Incentives: Any organization that doesn’t reward or offer incentives to employees for their efforts is on its way to experiencing an unhealthy and unbalanced work environment. Both employees and employers benefit when rewards and incentives are offered. It is a known fact that offering rewards and incentives boost the morale of employees which often leads to high productivity. In return for rewards and benefits, an organization can experience employee loyalty, positivity within the office, and an increase in sales. Employees when appreciated become loyal to the organization and even go to the extent of recommending open vacant positions to their contacts. Rewards and incentives could come in Cash, gifts, awards, Day off from work, Executive breakfast/ lunch, pay increases. Etc.


Creating a healthy and balanced work environment is key to the growth and success of an organization. There is usually high productivity on the part of the employees because the environment gives them the room to freely express themselves and ideas. Organizations that have a healthy work environment experience more profit than those that do not have.

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