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Communicating Higher Purpose And The Secrets of Great Entrepreneurs

Communicating Higher Purpose And The Secrets of Great Entrepreneurs

In business, it is always easier to execute a new, hard and great mission than a marginal one. Men and women easily sign up for things which are GREAT than things which are typical. At different levels, a Call to Mission requires extremely committed people. Even in your business, you must have that capacity to find and recruit people that can help you execute a great mission. You must prepare them. Equip them. And push them to come and get glory.

When Mark Zuckerberg says he wants to “bring the world closer together“, via Facebook, he has put a great vision. The newness and hardness are not necessarily a function of technology, but rather the aspirational quality of the mission at hand. When Google says it wants to organize the world’s information, it has something many people, across generations, would commit to help it execute.

In our age, you can sign up a whole village if you say you are going to the moon. But if you say you want to dig the ground, many will not show up. Going to the moon is new and harder; men and women would be inspired by that possibility. Digging the ground is easier and stale; few people would want that. The best talent would congregate for the moon business while the digging ground one will struggle. Do hard but great things, and the best will like to work for you! NASA, a space pioneering organization, looks better on your resume than that excavation company!

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All great entrepreneurs communicate with a higher purpose! Learn from them.

If you are working on something exciting that you really care about, you don’t have to be pushed. The vision pulls you” – Steve Jobs

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Comment 1: Hi My Prof Ndubuisi, I just read your post on communicating higher purpose and the secrets to doing it effectively. Great insights there! It’s so important to be able to articulate a clear and compelling purpose for your organization, and to communicate that purpose in a way that resonates with your audience.

I especially liked your point about using stories to illustrate your purpose. Stories are such a powerful tool for engaging people and helping them connect with your message on a deeper level.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts on this topic. It’s something that I think a lot of us struggle with, so it’s great to have some practical tips to work with. Keep up the great work!


Register for Tekedia Mini-MBA (Sept 9 – Dec 7, 2024), and join Prof Ndubuisi Ekekwe and our global faculty; click here.

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1 THOUGHT ON Communicating Higher Purpose And The Secrets of Great Entrepreneurs

  1. More people will certainly be enthusiastic about higher purpose or great vision, the struggle most times comes from funding that great vision; once funding is sorted, you can keep the team’s spirit up there.

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